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Stealth Passive Goldfarmer


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Been using this for over a month now, few suggestions if I may;

- Set Zoom roughly 75% ( To stop it clicking on the mini map to walk to the leprechaun when its easily one clickable from any patch if zoomed out a bit )

- Maybe add a delay factor into some of its movements ( Could help with ban rates, not sure, seems logical though )

As for bugs

Mirror mode

Sometimes misses one or more of the allotment patch in any of the patch locations, its random as far as I'm aware, could happen to other patches too but not yet.

Amazing job so far my manz 5 star effort for sure. 

Be interesting to see the ban rates once this script is finished though, I mean we could almost use this script to narrow down on the capabilitys of botwatch just by the features this script is going to ultimately provide, for example; Which works best 8, 10 or 12 hrs of no activity/log ins and, the time between birdhouse / farm runs do those matter, how long is an account lasting on this setting vs this one.

With everyone using their own timers it will be interesting to see if someone can strike an undetectable profile by chance, doubt it but honestly its what I think about in my spare time... Sometimes :D

Edited by 12346720
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On 9/17/2020 at 1:09 AM, Milkemberg said:

Any chance i can get an auth please?

Authed :doge: 

17 hours ago, john55 said:

Hi, I still have the original bird house script. I read some of your comments on the first page saying we should be able to run this script from the old one? I wasn't able to do that but maybe I'm missing something? If not, could I get an auth for this? Thank you!

Authed :doge: 

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