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Stealth Passive Goldfarmer


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38 minutes ago, Token said:

Did that start working after deselecting the toadflax or clicking anything else, or did it just sit there?

it selected toadflax ( use toadflax) but didnt use it anywhere.. and just stand there when vampire was attacking, i had auto retaliate on while this happend.

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On 12/15/2021 at 6:38 AM, ammanizzo said:

Script stay on and it didnt do anything.

I’ll push a new version in ~2h, I think I found the issue

2 hours ago, Flabbah said:

Hi, seen and heard a lot of things about this and been thinking of trying / buying it

I imagine it's ban rates are pretty low if it's just super passive yes? & thanks in advance 

It also depends on how you use it, it has many settings you can configure to create a unique style and thus minimize bans

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On 12/16/2021 at 9:18 AM, Flabbah said:

Okay perfect, I'll grab a test account and ping back for a trial if you still do those? 

Thanks 👍


9 hours ago, Touch Pulse said:

Hey @TokenI'm thinking about setting this up with like 10 accs or so, what would you say is a good starter acc? like stats nd stuff


32 farming is enough, but it really helps if you complete Fairy Tale 1 + Ghost's Ahoy + unlock Kourend

7 hours ago, Matoukou5 said:

Can I have a trial please?

Authed :doge: 

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On 12/17/2021 at 11:10 PM, CSGOslave said:

I tried to search this topic but I am not able to find myself asking for a trial previously. If I have not had a trial, could you grant me one then? :)

Authed :doge: 

10 hours ago, GoodFeller said:

May I have a trial please? :)

Authed :doge: 

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Hey, small suggestion. Are you able to make it so the script only picks up items that you've dropped? Or add an option for that.


I find that whenever someone else has dropped items like say a white lily, the script will pick it up every time. Seems kind of bot like to run across the farming area to pick up someone else's useless junk.


This is such a great script. Can't wait for more locations. And I know I've mentioned before, but adding hops to the farming list would be incredible. Easy 75-100k or so to each farming run - it only adds an extra few minutes.

Edited by communist1234
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