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Stealth Passive Goldfarmer


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55 minutes ago, dabswax said:

Yes, but whenever I try to run it it wont run if placeholders are active? also doesn't make birdhouses? Ive personally tried to run this on 10+ accounts the past 3 months probably a total of 100+times and have NEVER got it to run longer than 10 hours for one account, if I ran 2 itd go to slow. When for whatever reason I was able to run 3 mirror moded w/o issues and theyd break at about 60hours. This was amazing for the teleports/buckets etc and the other worked great for simplicity/longevity for me. Wish we could have the best of both worlds lol.

It should run with placeholders, unless I forgot some code in there lol gotta check

It supports birdhouses and I know mirror mode is leaking some memory, will have a workaround for that before the official release

14 minutes ago, Gunman said:

Token Auth me. Can't believe I have to ask and didn't notice till now I didn't have this :feels:

Authed :doge: 

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18 hours ago, Lumahunter said:

Can i get an Auth? will 1000% be interested in purchasing when its released, would love to help beta test it!

Could i also ask for a list of recommended requirements? plan to make an account from fresh and work on requirements to test time needed! 

Thank you! 

Authed :doge:

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19 hours ago, Kangabr said:

Hey token. Dude this thing is working phenomenally. The only problem I keep running into is restocking, the option is grayed out for me. Is this still in development? @Token

It's in development

19 hours ago, Vap0r said:

Hey Token im getting back into botting, Could I get auth to test this out for you?

Authed :doge: 

17 hours ago, leen12 said:

i cant get it to work bro. it just stands at bank or tries to withdraw items..

1. Stealth Injection or Mirror Mode: Mirror
2. https://pastebin.com/XqmukW8q

3. withdraws noted compost then just stands in bank

Is it missing some items, like teleports, farming tools or seeds?

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