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OSRS Script Factory 2.0


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3 hours ago, duroluxe said:

i found an issue with the f2p quest romeo and juliet it seems to go straight to juliet and just get stuck the script doesnt go and talk to romeo first.

I know some people in the community are fixing that script up currently. I didn't make it. You'll see the author name next to the script to see who you can contact about script issues. Or use our forums where you can write directly on their script thread. 


Hope this helps!

35 minutes ago, Levisz said:

Bought yesterday got ban already :( luckly 1day

Great thing about script factory is you control the scripts. If you used a public script, modify it some, add new factors to it to help reduce bans. YOU control your scripts :D 

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58 minutes ago, duroluxe said:

i just bought script factory yesterday im really enjoying it is there a way to see the script in the back end after modifying it like seeing the code in txt form? 

Yea! Just open up the Script Factory local scripts folder and you'll see all your code! 



"C:\User\OSBot\Data\ProjectPact\OSRS Script Factory\Local Scripts"


"User\OSBot\Data\ProjectPact\OSRS Script Factory\Local Scripts"


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