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Looking for simple logo for my upcoming business.


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So i'm planning to open shopify shop reselling some music instruments made by my family member and i need a simple and small logo / avatar or call it what ever for that shop.

It should be 400 x 600 pixels.

I have 2 items i would want to combine into that logo. And i would want it to be cartoonish / simple / esthetic. I would show you those 2 items, and i have an idea how it should look. so there is not much brainstorming left for you.

Would look for someone who is more of an artist and draws stuff good with hands too.

I might accept hand draw logo with no colors - just black marker or smth. But photo should be in high quality i guess, cell phone camera would not work.

I prefer virtual graphics over hand as it's way more easy to edit for later use - change something with it.


I cannot pay a lot as i'm poor af atm, buuut i think we could find sweet middle for both of us. (saying "a lot"  i consider price of ~40$ or around that. thats wayyy to much for me atm) 


My discord - GuyWithLSD#5924

Edited by guywithlsd
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