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Advice on account builds (Goldfarming)


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Recently got a lot of bans from Zulrah, so taking some time off from that for a while. However, in the meantime I'm going to build accounts instead and sell them off. I've done quite a few zulrah accounts but it feels like it's taking quite a while, while also paying 20m for agility/quest services on them. Is there a special build that is more profitable to train? I'm thinking about building 40 attack pures with or without magic.

Thankful for any advice :)

Edited by Maxlaxen
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My advice to you on Account Selling Services, Since no one else seems to want to comment:

Do what you think will work and what is worth your time man.

this can be anywhere from 70 agility accounts, Zerker Mains, Zulrah Accounts, tutorial island accounts, etc.

the most important part of starting up a side hustle is to enjoy what you do. Find that niche and go for it.


Edited by Knuckolls
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