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  On 9/3/2013 at 8:43 AM, 5uck said:

Over the last few days ive decided to dive balls deep into scripting and am proud to present to you all my ankou script!


Insane Ankou's

by 5uck




-Fights Ankou's in ANY room 

-Loots all valuable drops (Option to toggle off for faster xp)

       -Loot deaths, bloods, laws, pure ess, mith ore, addy arrows, rannar seeds, key halves

       -Loots and eats food to save some b2p tabs (disposes of Fried mushrooms bowl)

-b2p support (still works if looting is off)

-dba support(just bring it in your inventory)

-ranging and super str pot support(just bring in inventory)

-Inventory cleaning (Drops useless gems and other various items to maximize your peaches per tab)

- Amazing Anti-ban

       - Human like combat

       - Opens tabs randomly (will hover over certain magic spells)

       - Checks random stats XP

       - Every time the script waits for anything, the time it waits is different

-NEVER DIES (If your out of food and b2p, it will attempt to use a varrock teleport tab. If this fails it will run safely into one of the side rooms)

-Custom human like looting

-Supports many starting foods(Salmon, Trout, Tuna, Lobster, Swordfish, Monkfish, Shark)

-Simple paint (hideable)



below is a proggy I got last night BEFORE I updated the combat\looting system. They are faster and more effective\human like now.


Melee stats on the account:

70 Attack

70 Strength

83 Defence




currently getting around 46-48k/hour with only 70 str.


Note: Paint has been updated slightly from that proggy.


What are my future plans for this script?


Ultimately I would like to see this script on the SDN. I personally feel this script is the best ankou bot and will continue to be so. This script has potential to make a substantial cash while getting some of the best combat xp in game. For the sake of not saturating the training spot, I am not sure I want to release this as a free script. However, I also don't want it to be some stupidly high priced script. I feel something in the range of $3-5 would be a fair. I'm not in this for the money, but it would be some nice motivation to keep it updated and working better everyday.


Im posting this because I would love to see some feedback on the project/hear some suggestions. leave a reply or send me a message, id love to hear from you.


Thanks, 5uck.

nice dude didnt kno you script too :D

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  On 9/7/2013 at 2:35 PM, SXForce said:

ohmy.png Not that I really mind, but why create a script that already exists and has more features. a.k.a. SXAnkous :s


Runes are going to crash sooooo hard now. ty



Honestly, this was my first script. I wanted to make something that I could use and I didnt want to pay $8 for that ankous script, so I made one myself


After a day or two some of my friends wanted to try it, so i let them (they had been using the sxankous one) and they said this was faster and more effective.


My original goal was to just make an ankous fighter I could use for myself, but this turned out alot better then expected so i thought id share it with the community :)

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