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Medusaa's Sulphurous fertiliser creator (mFertiliser)


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What is this?

"mFertiliser" is a script which will combine saltpetre and compost in order to make sulphurous fertiliser.

Why would I need this?

If you're trying to get favor in the Hosidius House, this is a useful script, as you won't have to combine the saltpetre and compost yourself.

How to use?

It's simple. Start the script anywhere, and the script will walk you to the grand exchange. From there, it'll start the process.

Not sure this is required, but I've only tested the script starting with an empty inventory, so you should probably do the same


At least 5% favor in the Hosidius House.

Saltpetre & Compost


The code isn't the best (as I didn't spend a lot of time making the script), but it should work. It's on github, so feel free to change the code for your own use.


Download Here

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21 hours ago, Medusaa said:

Esta secuencia de comandos es solo para abono sulfuroso atm.

¿Me estás pidiendo que agregue apoyo para más fertilizantes?

I express badly, srry lol. I wanted to say that, because osbot does not exist, it would be incredible if there was a script that would allow you to use an item in another item, with a GUI that would allow you to choose which items would be combined

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