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2 minutes ago, azure210 said:

Didn't jagex just tell OSbuddy to nerf / remove OP features? I'm in agreement though, overpowered features aren't good for a client but give runelite the same chance as OSbuddy got. 

The ideal of runelite though is the open source feature. Jagex won't like this as it opens features up to anything people want to do. It promotes people to take the script and to take it and do what they wish with it. OSBuddy doesn't; OSbuddy does their own thing in accordance with Jagex's demands/wishes and that's probably why they turn a blind eye.

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21 minutes ago, siilentalk said:

The ideal of runelite though is the open source feature. Jagex won't like this as it opens features up to anything people want to do. It promotes people to take the script and to take it and do what they wish with it. OSBuddy doesn't; OSbuddy does their own thing in accordance with Jagex's demands/wishes and that's probably why they turn a blind eye.

A fair point. With that said then I wish jagex just made that clear. We'll have to see what Jagex have to say before the livestream.

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