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Hard drive take a crap after update?


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Is that usual? I’ve been putting off updating my computer when it pops up, because if it ain’t broke don’t fix it , amirite? - and they always make things worse...

  When I started up my computer today everything was fine for about 20 seconds. It froze and an error popped up , something along the lines of “critical process died” , upon restarting i received the error of “hard drive not found or recognized” or something along those lines. Really bummed, I’m hoping it’s just something easy , update related. 

Ive tried to do a system recovery, but it is not able to finish the process. I don’t know what to do from here :(

Any input ,suggestions , or advice?!

dell xps 8150 Windows 10

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take your harddrive out put it in another pc check in bios if harddrive is found.

when bios sees the harddrive just bootup (on the other pc ofcourse) and run a diagnostic.

a windows update cant make a harddrive to faillure.

in the worst case your harddrive main board is damaged (you can only get your stuff back by replacing a 1 on 1 copy of the same board on the harddrive).

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I’m sure it’s my fault, I never turn my computer off. Never.

i don’t know what you mean by replacing a 1on1 copy to be honest ?

i have an old dell laying around, assuming the hard drives are interchangeable I can try this, I don’t know anything about working on computers. I can change out sticks of ram and a graphics card, that’s about the extent of if.

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ok. so , update! my hard drive is "Failing" as in, it works sometimes and sometimes it doesn't.. Annoying , so i went to the store and bought a new hard drive





But im sort of ignorant on this sort of thing.. like i can physically install the hard drive , but i cannot get it to work. I suppose i need to buy a whole new windows? or somehow transfer windows from my half life hard drive to my new one. then i realize i accidentally bought a 1tb hard drive when my computer came with a 2tb hard drive. Somebody told me it may cause issues. anyways long story short, i fixed the issue and it was alot easier then i thought it was going to be!. here - 







Edited by sonda
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