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APA Rooftop Agility


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7 hours ago, Byzantines2000 said:

Can I get a trial?  I read the instructions to your script page, and appreciate you wanting us to trial it before purchase.

Sure thing, i've activated a trial on your account. :)

10 hours ago, Botter4000 said:

Can i get a refund on this product. purchased less then 24 hours ago.


May I ask why the refund? It looks like you have made lots of progress with the script! Also, since I don't run the store (it's handled by OSBot), I do not have the power to give refunds. You will have to submit a request following these instructions



Edited by Apaec
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5 hours ago, Ryuuzaki said:

Hey any chance I could get a trial? Trying to decide which agility script to buy. :)


Sure, done!  :)

4 hours ago, MattGP said:


Tries to walk to the previous area on this obstacle on falador rooftops, doesn't happen very often though Took 4 hours for it to happen on one account and 3 hours on the other! 

Hmm, that's very odd. There should be no point at which it should try to walk to the previous obstacle as I was very careful to avoid this. Perhaps there is a position that my automatic mapping algorithm missed or maybe I made a type in some area code somewhere. I'll take a look for you now - thanks for the detailed screenshot!


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Version 1.03

What's new:

  • Added check for priest in peril quest when accessing Canifis. This means progressive mode also won't move on to Canifis unless you've got that quest complete.
  • Code tidy - removed some duplicate/unnecessary methods, tweaked structure to allow for future course req/progressive mode start checks
  • Tested at Falador to try and determine rare issue experienced by @MattGP. Script course data seems to be up to date and accurate, so perhaps the problem is elsewhere. I will continue to investigate

Still working on error correction system, it's not quite ready for release just yet though.


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