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ItemRequirement Class


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Feedback is welcome. This class allows you to easily create setups for your inventory, gear, or whatever, and check if you have those items. I mainly created this class to create setups where you can just specify items to add and it match for a range of charges or doses for the same item. Example: you want to match a glory with a charge of (1), (2), (3).

Instead of doing

if (item.getId() == 1 || item.getId() == 1 || item.getId() == 3)

You would add the item to List<RequiredItem> reqItems

reqItems.add(new RequiredItem("Amulet of glory (1), 1, 3);

when you call ItemRequirement.getMissingItems(Item[] items) it will match at least one Amulet of glory(1), (2), and (3).


I didn't bother making an actual script for demonstration, but maybe this will make the usage clearer:


import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.List;
import org.osbot.rs07.script.Script;
import org.osbot.rs07.script.ScriptManifest;
import test.ItemRequirement.RequiredItem;

@ScriptManifest(author = "", info = "", logo = "", name = "Test", version = 0.1)
public class Test extends Script {

    List<RequiredItem> invItemsForNewTrip = new ArrayList<>();
    List<RequiredItem> invItemsForThreshold = new ArrayList<>();
    List<RequiredItem> gearItems = new ArrayList<>();
    ItemRequirement invSetupForNewTrip;
    ItemRequirement invSetupForThreshold;
    ItemRequirement gearSetup;

    public void onStart() {

        // add 3 dueling rings with accepted charges 6-8
        invItemsForNewTrip.add(new RequiredItem("Ring of dueling(6)", 3, 2));
        // add 5 salmon
        invItemsForNewTrip.add(new RequiredItem("Salmon", 5));
        // add a rope
        invItemsForNewTrip.add(new RequiredItem("Rope"));
        // add a chair
        invItemsForNewTrip.add(new RequiredItem("Chair"));
        // create the inventory setup for a new trip
        invSetupForNewTrip = new ItemRequirement(invItemsForNewTrip);

        invItemsForThreshold.add(new RequiredItem("Salmon", 1));
        invSetupForThreshold = new ItemRequirement(invItemsForThreshold);

        gearItems.add(new RequiredItem("Adamant scimitar"));
        // add a glory with only (2) as the accepted charge
        gearItems.add(new RequiredItem("Amulet of glory(2)"));
        gearSetup = new ItemRequirement(gearItems);


    public int onLoop() throws InterruptedException {
        HashMap<String, Integer> missingInvItems = invSetupForNewTrip.getMissingItems(getInventory().getItems());
        if (missingInvItems.size() > 0) {
            // bank and withdraw missing items
        else {
            // do something else

        missingInvItems = invSetupForThreshold.getMissingItems(getInventory().getItems());
        // if missingInvItems is > 0, meaning we don't have at least 1 salmon
        if (missingInvItems.size() > 0) {
            // tele away
        else {
            // don't tele away

        HashMap<String, Integer> missingGearItems = gearSetup.getMissingItems(getEquipment().getItems());
        if (missingGearItems.size() > 0) {
            // do whatever you would do if you are missing gear
        else {
            // do whatever you would do if you aren't missing any gear

        return 500;





import java.util.Arrays;
import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.stream.Collectors;
import org.osbot.rs07.api.model.Item;

public class ItemRequirement {

    private List<RequiredItem> items;

    public ItemRequirement(List<RequiredItem> items) {
        this.items = items;

     * If an item to check for has a charge or dose is in its name, e.g. Ring of
     * dueling(4), it will also check for the item with additional
     * charges/doses, up to the value of RequiredItem's range field.
     * <p>
     * Example: item is Ring of dueling(4) with a range of 3
     * will match Ring of dueling(4), (5), (6), and (7)
     * @param itemsToCheck the items to check against
     * @return a map of the missing items in (item name : missing amount) pairs.
     *         If no items are missing the map will be empty.
    public HashMap<String, Integer> getMissingItems(Item[] itemsToCheck) {
        HashMap<String, Integer> missingItems = new HashMap<>();
        List<Item> itemList = Arrays.asList(itemsToCheck); // list rep. of items to check against

        for (RequiredItem itemToCheck : this.items) {
            int desiredAmount = itemToCheck.getAmount();
            int minCharge = getItemCharge(itemToCheck.getName());
            int maxCharge = minCharge + itemToCheck.getRange();
            List<Item> filteredList;
            String name = removeCharge(itemToCheck.getName());

            // filtered list to match noted items
            if (itemToCheck.isNoted()) {
                filteredList = itemList.stream()
                        .filter(i -> (i != null && removeCharge(i.getName()).toLowerCase().equals(name.toLowerCase()) && i.isNote()))
            else { // not matching noted items
                filteredList = itemList.stream()
                        .filter(i -> (i != null && removeCharge(i.getName()).toLowerCase().equals(name.toLowerCase()) && !i.isNote()))

            // if we have at least one matching item
            if (filteredList.size() > 0) {
                // if the item we're checking for contains a charge/dose, check to
                // see if we have an item with that charge/dose, up to (starting charge/dose + range)
                if (minCharge > 0) {
                    int itemCount = 0; // keep track of how many items we have

                    for (Item t_item : filteredList) {
                        int itemCharge = getItemCharge(t_item.getName());

                        if (itemCharge >= minCharge && itemCharge <= maxCharge) {
                            if (itemToCheck.isNoted()) { // we're only checking for noted items
                                if (t_item.isNote()) {
                                    itemCount += t_item.getAmount();
                            else {
                                itemCount += t_item.getAmount();

                    // add to list the missing amount of items
                    if (itemCount < desiredAmount) {
                        missingItems.put(itemToCheck.getName(), desiredAmount - itemCount);
                else { // item has no charge, so we check for exact item name
                    int currentAmount = 0;
                    // the item is stackable or we only have 1 occurrence, so get the amount
                    if (filteredList.size() == 1) {
                        currentAmount = filteredList.get(0).getAmount();
                    else { // we have more than 1 occurrence, so the item probably isn't stackable
                        currentAmount = filteredList.size();
                    // if insufficient amount, add to list the item
                    // and the missing amount
                    if (currentAmount < desiredAmount) {
                        missingItems.put(itemToCheck.getName(), desiredAmount - currentAmount);
            else // we don't have the item
             if (desiredAmount > 0) {
                    missingItems.put(itemToCheck.getName(), desiredAmount);

        return missingItems;

    public String getMissingItemsMessage(HashMap<String, Integer> missingItems) {
        String message = "";

        for (String s : missingItems.keySet()) {
            message = message + "Missing Item: " + s + " | Quantity: " + missingItems.get(s) + "\n";
        return message;

     * @param item the item's name
     * @return the number of charges/doses the item has. Returns 0 if no
     *         charge/dose.
    private int getItemCharge(String item) {
        int openIndex = item.indexOf("(");
        int closeIndex = item.indexOf(")");
        int charge = 0;

        if (openIndex != -1 && closeIndex != -1) {
            try {
                charge = Integer.parseInt(item.substring(openIndex + 1, closeIndex));
            } catch (NumberFormatException e) {

        return charge;

    private String removeCharge(String name) {
        if (name.contains("(")) {
            return name.substring(0, name.indexOf("("));
        return name;

    public static class RequiredItem {

        private String name;
        private int amount;
        private int range;
        private boolean noted;

         * Represents a required, single, un-noted item matching only this
         * charge/dose, if it has one.
         * @param name the name of the item
        public RequiredItem(String name) {
            this(name, 1, 0, false);

         * Represents a required, un-noted item, of at least the specified quantity,
         * matching only this charge/dose, if it has one.
         * @param name the name of the item
         * @param amount the amount of the item
        public RequiredItem(String name, int amount) {
            this(name, amount, 0, false);

         * Represents a required, un-noted item, of at least the specified quantity,
         * matching this item's charge/dose, if it has one, up to an additional
         * value of the range.
         * @param name the name of the item
         * @param amount the amount of the item
         * @param range the additional charges/doses to accept
        public RequiredItem(String name, int amount, int range) {
            this(name, amount, range, false);

         * Represents a required, noted item, of at least the specified quantity,
         * matching this item's charge/dose, if it has one, up to an additional
         * value of the range.
         * @param name the name of the item
         * @param amount the amount of the item
         * @param range the additional charges/doses to accept
         * @param noted whether or not the item is noted
        public RequiredItem(String name, int amount, int range, boolean noted) {
            this.name = name;
            this.amount = amount;
            this.range = range;
            this.noted = noted;

        public String getName() {
            return name;

        public int getAmount() {
            return amount;

        public int getRange() {
            return range;

        public boolean isNoted() {
            return noted;



Edited by Deathiminent
fixed bug
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