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Basics of small gold farm?

solace fury

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Hey everyone,

I'm a college student with a part time job looking to start a small gold farm, just for the fun of it really, although a few extra dollars wouldn't hurt. I've got a proxy that I will be using to bot and have some general questions hopefully someone can answer. I'm sorry if these questions have been asked to death, but I can't really find the answers to them.

1) If botting for 8-10hrs a day, is it worth making the account p2p (buying bonds with gp, not really looking to spend any more money until I see a couple of dollars return) or should I just carelessly run f2p methods until ban

2) is there any point botting for said 8-10 hours or should I  start 24/7 suiciding like a real man

2) If botting 'smart' (2-4 hours a day outside of jagex working hours, doing some quests legit, maybe flipping for an hour or so everyday) is it worth getting mems

3) is there any difference between skilling or botting a money making script, in term of productivity and banrate?

4) Does anyone have any recommendations on websites/people that will purchase 07 gp?

Thank you all!

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6 minutes ago, solace fury said:

Hey everyone,

I'm a college student with a part time job looking to start a small gold farm, just for the fun of it really, although a few extra dollars wouldn't hurt. I've got a proxy that I will be using to bot and have some general questions hopefully someone can answer. I'm sorry if these questions have been asked to death, but I can't really find the answers to them.

1) If botting for 8-10hrs a day, is it worth making the account p2p (buying bonds with gp, not really looking to spend any more money until I see a couple of dollars return) or should I just carelessly run f2p methods until ban

2) is there any point botting for said 8-10 hours or should I  start 24/7 suiciding like a real man

2) If botting 'smart' (2-4 hours a day outside of jagex working hours, doing some quests legit, maybe flipping for an hour or so everyday) is it worth getting mems

3) is there any difference between skilling or botting a money making script, in term of productivity and banrate?

4) Does anyone have any recommendations on websites/people that will purchase 07 gp?

Thank you all!

Decide if you want a f2p or p2p gold farm. f2p run them 24/7 AKA suicide. P2p don't suicide

Proxies for different bots as to prevent bans

Sell gold to big websites that won't scam you

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22 hours ago, Buckaroo said:

Plan it all out beforehand. You probably won't make money first or second time around. It's all about testing. Gather as much information as you can beforehand, and try it out.

Yeah I figured it would be a learning process, had two accounts banned after botting 2 days for 12ish hours a day, now going to see if I can find a balance between botting ~4 hours a day and keeping my new accounts alive longer. Any tips on what I should be planning? I'm guessing stuff like amount of time spent botting, locations, methods etc

21 hours ago, superuser said:

start with a f2p farm. while your f2p farm makes money for your first bond research p2p methods. with your first bond try a p2p method out. mule everything you make. it'll probably take a few bonds to get the hang of p2p botting. good luck!

My mule is a member so I already have a couple of ideas for p2p methods, but probably ones that are already commonly botted e.g. planks, tabs and the like. tryna decide between getting a bond and spamming no requirment methods or if I should get some stats and go down that money making route :think: thanks for the reply!

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