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Dedicated Server botting Questions


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Hey Osbot

im going to get a dedicated server to bot on, slightly different than a vps but not the same thing. I am going to get 8gb of ram for memory, but I'm unsure of what to look for in graphics, storage, bandwidth and processor. If anyone has any suggestions on what I need to run 10 bots at minimum let me know! 

Also looking for any cheap suggestions for this too!


Edited by McBeerson
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a dedicated server and vps are essentially the same except one is shared by others and one is not. As for graphic you dont get any card. storage about 30-50gb for an OS/java/runescape, the more ram the better if you want to run more accounts, bandwidth is negligible as long as you arent running on some DSL modem, and processor get as many cores + hyperthreading as possible since Java scales nicely on multiple cores. Avoid any CPU from AMD if its not this current generation. Also buy VIP if you want to run more than 1 bot.

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4 minutes ago, McBeerson said:

Appreciate the reply! I've seen a few graphic specs on some of the dedi's ive seen so I didn't know if it made a difference. Do you have any site suggestions for servers? Otherwise I'll probably look for dual or quad core processor

VIP will come once I get everything planned out :)

I dont think you can even find a dual/quad core processor unless the processor is a i7 one. Dont get a dual core if you do manage to find one because it is garbage.

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