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Have some money to spend and want to give botting a try on a spare account again with the mirror mode. Going to be running one account on a vps. Questions:

-I NEED vip for mirror mode? Is it significantly different from not using it???? 

-512mb for one account good enough to run on a vps? Or would 1gb be more ideal? I don't mind if it runs slow just need it to be on a lot

-What are some of the most popular scripts on here?

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On 10/08/2017 at 0:32 PM, Kobe said:

Have some money to spend and want to give botting a try on a spare account again with the mirror mode. Going to be running one account on a vps. Questions:

-I NEED vip for mirror mode? Is it significantly different from not using it???? 

-512mb for one account good enough to run on a vps? Or would 1gb be more ideal? I don't mind if it runs slow just need it to be on a lot

-What are some of the most popular scripts on here?

Mirror mode is said to be less detectable than injection but no one can really know how much safer it is (if at all).

If you're only running 1 account then there's really no reason to limit the memory it uses. However 512mb is probably a bit on the lower side, I'd go for a higher limit.

You can look through the SDN and each script on there has the amount of users the script has. But be aware that just cause 1 script has the most users doesn't mean it's the safest or best.

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