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Dispute against pauliokas123


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Didn't really want to pursue this either, because its 10$ but whatever he wants it so why not.

Longstory Short:

he did 1-60 Hunter for a user, and they got 2 days ban on it. i have refunded the user myself and refunded paul his deposit in full because i couldn't deal with his bullshit so i took the loss on myself but today he is mad at me for telling @MyOSB that i fired him for botting. 

Here's the Skype logs:



He owes me 9250k.





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First of all, the first thing I want to say, who the hell writes a dispute after 2 weeks? :D
Nevermind this, but I will have fun answering you all the questions, boys. 

First evidence of Ricardo (the guy who ordered the services) lying. 
He said that I played on 27th day, which happened to be a huge lie, because I ended up services and wrote done in chat
on 25th day. (you can see the date) 
Two days after a service, he says his account was banned. Is this a joke?



The date my services was done - 


Second evidence of me not botting.

As a guy which just wrote a dispute telling, he asked me to do TeamViewer. 
Here Im providing you a screenshot, him giving a info, without telling me to be sure 100% have working teamviewer.
The story besides that Is that my TeamViewer did not work for previous day and I tried updating it/fixing it while watching guides.
He also saw me try do it, so I dont even understand why does he act like he does not know that. 


Third AND THE BEST evidence of me not botting.
If I was botting, could I have provided a proggy in 30seconds or even earlier when he asked me to send proggy?
He asked me twice to do It (I saw I have 4 proggys, I either sent two random or I cant find other two requests)
But the fact is that he did not ask more than 4 proggys. So that is all his fault. 




Probably random proggys I found which were mentioned to him





Talking about his proofs about me, he can only talk about no OsBuddy saved screenshots.
The thing Is, that sometimes things like that happen. Screenshots sometimes does not save, maybe due to original and fresh OsBuddy settings,
because I reinstalled the windows and I was playing on fresh OS. 

How could have we abbandoned this situation? He could have asked me to save them, or atleast be 100% sure for me to do It, 
because I have had no real thing about me saving any screenshots or atleast being sure to save them If I sent him proggys when he asked me to do It.

All in all, the only thing you are getting is negative feedback for bullshit.

Edited by pauliokas123
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Not much we can do.


He doesn't have a premium hunter script nor does he have access to our mirror mode client.

He took full desktop screenshots when he was asked to and sent you those within the same minute, on those screenshots the OSBuddy client is visible and some of the ingame messages with the level gained.

There were 2 days between the end of the service and the ban. The customer could've easily botted that himself.


@pauliokas123, @Get Rekt fired you from his service due to the circumstances and he has the right do so. He paid you your full deposit back so there are no grounds for a negative feedback for @Get Rekt as far as I can see.


The dispute will be closed and the negative feedback from @Get Rekt will be removed.

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