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CPU reducing


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So I've been wondering if it is possible to reduce the CPU usage of OSBot. My MacBook's fans are having a hard time when I try to bot. I'm worried this will lead to some failures later on and I would like to prevent it. I'm not even running anything else besides the bot. The specs of my macbook are good enough to run a bot normally I would suggest and it's only 2 years old.


The specs of my MacBook are:

2,6GHz Intel core i5




Thanks in advance guys.


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Mostly this is up to scripts, if the scripter didn't properly optimize the script it'll use a lot of CPU. Usually this come from the paints in my experience. OSBot does include a method to turn on "Low CPU", which limits the FPS of the client. Do this via Settings > Options > Debug tab > Check the box left of "Enable Low CPU". Be warned, this can and probably will affect the scripts performance, so its best to watch the script perform in low CPU mode to ensure it won't result in problems. Besides this, try different scripts that might be optimized better.

Edited by Lemons
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1 minute ago, Lemons said:

Mostly this is up to scripts, if the scripter didn't properly optimize the script it'll use a lot of CPU. Usually these come from the paints in my experience. OSBot does include a method to turn on "Low CPU", which limits the FPS of the client. Do this via Settings > Options > Debug tab > Check the box left of "Enable Low CPU". Be warned, this can and probably will affect the scripts performance, so its best to watch the script perform in low CPU mode to ensure it won't result in problems. Besides this, try different scripts that might be optimized better.

That explains something. I will look into the low CPU mode. Thanks mate!


if anyone else has some suggestions, please tell me :D

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52 minutes ago, Potenti said:

That explains something. I will look into the low CPU mode. Thanks mate!


if anyone else has some suggestions, please tell me :D

I have a MacBook and Macs aren't meant for things such as botting or even gameplay for that. however, I say that to say you'd be better off maybe getting a new laptop if you're able to afford one.

43 minutes ago, Elysiano said:

Buy a decent laptop :kappa:

Macs are one the most reliable that I HAVE EXPERIENCED computers, so in terms of decent it's more than decent.

Edited by dragonite3000
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