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Dispute against tomispower1


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Disputed member: tomispower1

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Also bought 3 wintertodt account wich got recovered too. But wont bring them up more in this dispute cause he told me he would refund me for them & I bought them directly off him off skype and i dont have the skype logs off it.

Explanation: So in like october 2016 i bought 1 zulrah acc of tomis. I botted zulrah until it got banned. And i thought that tomis couldnt recover it as he stated in his thread when he sold it.

And a few days ago i was about to try to unban it, and then i saw that the email and password was changed. So i asked tomis why and he firstly said that he recovered it and botted on it until it got "fully banned".

And then he says that it was his friend that did it.

Then i saw that he sold the exact same account that i bought.

The difference between the acc threads is pretty much the lvls i gained + the void and the ban, and in the newest thread he states that he is OO.

Tried to sort this out with him on skype myself without making a dispute to avoid fucking him over and all the other people who bought accs off him. But he kept blaming his friend for it and took like 12h for him to answer each time, wich is understandable tho.







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and by the time he got the account permed banned doesnt mean he can get it back..as i tried again and i failed and told him about it, account wasnt created on my ip but on my friends ip..he got it unbanned and wanted to resell it..so i am supposed to buy an account..gets permed banned and gonna wait until the owner recovers it? as i said the account wasnt even on my hands after the perm ban..and if you ask for it..let me ask my friend to ban it and then i will give it to you, or else this is bullshit..you got the account banned..and you couldnt get it unban and then you blame it on me? as i said for the fm accounts i can refund..but aint refunding a 40m "banned account"

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8 minutes ago, tomispower1 said:

and by the time he got the account permed banned doesnt mean he can get it back..as i tried again and i failed and told him about it, account wasnt created on my ip but on my friends ip..he got it unbanned and wanted to resell it..so i am supposed to buy an account..gets permed banned and gonna wait until the owner recovers it? as i said the account wasnt even on my hands after the perm ban..and if you ask for it..let me ask my friend to ban it and then i will give it to you, or else this is bullshit..you got the account banned..and you couldnt get it unban and then you blame it on me? as i said for the fm accounts i can refund..but aint refunding a 40m "banned account"

When selling an account, you are responsible for any recoveries.

You can't just sell an account, let someone else get it banned, recover it, then resell it. And please stop saying your friend, you resold the account through your osbot account. 

That doesn't fly. That's called scamming someone.


Now you 16 hours left to refund or you'll be banned.

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i wont refund, you can do it now tbh..aint worth it to bother...i aint scamm quiting or anything but thats bullshit...he wanted the banned account he had? the one he was begging me to try unban? i couldnt unban it someone else it..and i resold it to pain ye..i dont care for this thought..he couldnt do anything with the ban so he is asking for free gp now..


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2 minutes ago, tomispower1 said:

i wont refund, you can do it now tbh..aint worth it to bother...i aint scamm quiting or anything but thats bullshit...he wanted the banned account he had? the one he was begging me to try unban? i couldnt unban it someone else it..and i resold it to pain ye..i dont care for this thought..he couldnt do anything with the ban so he is asking for free gp now..


Yeah recovering an account from someone and reselling it is called scamming.


If you'd like to return you can refund @Fishing 130m.

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