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Jack BN

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Disputed member:  Jamez

Thread Link: N/A

Explanation: James added me a few weeks ago when I posted a thread for skilling, his prices were too high for me then so I decided not to use him. He messaged to me earlier this afternoon asking if I needed any services done, I spoke to him about some runecrafting 56-70 and after a while of talking we decided on 30m cash and I keep runes created. I asked him what he needed on the account, he said for me to do the math. We decided on 76k pure ess, 270 glories (6) and 245 stamina potions (4). I came on the forums and saw a post about him scamming, checked Skype to ask if any progress was made and decided just to check my account. I logged on and everything had been sold. I guess he has scam quit :)





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