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Scammed by Zerker and terrible script service by undefeated


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Zerker gave away the money when the script isnt in my hands nor was i able to test it. plus the coder have asked my friend to do the stuff.


Ok so it was sunday night when i needed a private script done very fastly.

it was a money maker with some features and i had to pay 40m 07 gp for it.

I told him if hes able to finish within 16 hours. he told me he should be but cant make a promise 

i told him if its not finished within 16 hours do you agree on only getting 30m and he said yes.

Not only that ive tried being as nice as possible but now reading back the chatlogs he lets my friend snowbunnies do the stuff he is supposed to do (https://gyazo.com/fc641d08a20f3d9b6a7993e3d4abdbdb)


This script i needed with 16 hours is finished after 5-6 days and still doesnt have paint added.

scripter refuses to add it because i didnt state it, but also he asked snowbunnies to do his job????

I expect something to be done here espescially to @Zerker paying the guy without my permission when i havent been able to test it at all and when the total payment should have been 30M 07.


Users: @The Undefeated @Zerker @SnowBunnies

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Alright i've notified them both that they're under dispute. 

Let me get a few things straight though. 

1) You've received the script and it is fully functional but not within the deadline you gave the scripter therefore he has to receive 30/40m, correct?

2) You didn't ask the scripter to add a paint, he doesn't have to do it.

3) He didn't tell your friend to "do his job" i am pretty sure coding a script is a lot more than just writing out "Rune longsword","Dragon Longsword". Also if you had an issue with that you should've actually told the scripter. 

Anything you want to correct me on so far? 

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Just now, Decode said:

Alright i've notified them both that they're under dispute. 

Let me get a few things straight though. 

1) You've received the script and it is fully functional but not within the deadline you gave the scripter therefore he has to receive 30/40m, correct?

2) You didn't ask the scripter to add a paint, he doesn't have to do it.

3) He didn't tell your friend to "do his job" i am pretty sure coding a script is a lot more than just writing out "Rune longsword","Dragon Longsword". Also if you had an issue with that you should've actually told the scripter. 

Anything you want to correct me on so far? 

1. I have not been able to test the script yet because i cannot accept the file on skype. and yes 30m but now that he reveals my method i dont wanna pay shit

2. Im pretty sure i did tho and ill look back in conversations but if not all good

3. Fine by me. but if you let my friend do 5-10mins of work typing every drop between (''.'') why cant you add paint that literally takes 5 minutes?



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He's not going to add paint if you didn't make a deal about it beforehand. Can you please provide me with screenshots between you and @The Undefeated showing your agreement and where he agrees to a 30/40m pay if he doesn't get it done within the deadline given. 



Your money is still with @Zerker

Edit: Also regarding him leaking your method, mind showing us proof of that too? 

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Also i just wanna say i did not make this dispute in order to get away without paying because i do know the scripter has put time into making it. 

however the fact how zerker has done his middleman job is just retarded

and the scripter making too many promises and threating to leak my method aswell......

I think a payment of 20m is fair due to the fact he hasnt been @ his promises at all.

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1 minute ago, Nurvael said:

Also i just wanna say i did not make this dispute in order to get away without paying because i do know the scripter has put time into making it. 

however the fact how zerker has done his middleman job is just retarded

and the scripter making too many promises and threating to leak my method aswell......

I think a payment of 20m is fair due to the fact he hasnt been @ his promises at all.

You'll need to provide us with proof to back up what you're saying before we can make a decision as to what will happen next. 

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Just now, Decode said:

He's not going to add paint if you didn't make a deal about it beforehand. Can you please provide me with screenshots between you and @The Undefeated showing your agreement and where he agrees to a 30/40m pay if he doesn't get it done within the deadline given. 



Your money is still with @Zerker

Edit: Also regarding him leaking your method, mind showing us proof of that too? 

He says that because he got neutral feedback which i expect not to see removed as the middleman service is done terribly bad.(https://gyazo.com/b7c32ccf2a0881f7446c90e32f6f4774)

even the scripter said privately he received the money.


anyways here you have them

https://gyazo.com/80921cd1ead4983532e3f1126687795d ( agrees to refunding 10m)




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Alright so far what i can see if, @The Undefeated needs to complete your script, he didn't threaten to reveal your method just merely stated that if a dispute were to arise the chances of your method being leaked are high. You will only be eligible to pay 30m out of the original 40m to the scripter.

He will not be responsible for making a paint since you two didn't agree on it. I'll wait for @Zerker to reply here and will take the 40mil from him and refund you 10mil and then hand over 30m to @The Undefeated once he has finished the job. 


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2 minutes ago, Decode said:

Alright so far what i can see if, @The Undefeated needs to complete your script, he didn't threaten to reveal your method just merely stated that if a dispute were to arise the chances of your method being leaked are high. You will only be eligible to pay 30m out of the original 40m to the scripter.

He will not be responsible for making a paint since you two didn't agree on it. I'll wait for @Zerker to reply here and will take the 40mil from him and refund you 10mil and then hand over 30m to @The Undefeated once he has finished the job. 


I havent even tested the script? we agreed on letting me run it for 2 hours with no bugs before payment is giving out.

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actually fuck it i dont have to test it. i dont trust this guy anyways coz we were earlyer talking about keylogs hiding in code etc and im pretty sure he coded a keylogger into it.


he can have his 30m and i want my 10m back. if snowbunnies wants the script its his choise they have each other on skype cba anymore

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I'll add all the screenshots in a couple of minutes. You were searching for a scripter at sunday night. After I woke up on monday you already told me you found someone else, and at 1PM you decided to hire me as a scripter. Zerker did not give the gold to me, while I already told him it was a joke. https://gyazo.com/1b230a5eaa4013c32876acf9bb8113f9. Taking the job and trying to finish it the same day wasn't smart of me, I did not give him my word for finishing it in that timestamp, which he knew. I didn't say I was gonna release your method, but if me or you made a dispute showing the chat logs your method will be revealed to the outside world. I asked SuikaBooty (Which did not do anything wrong btw) to give me the list of drops I needed the bot to pickup, I could made my own but I had a time limit so cba doing that. Putting it in "" is not called scripting at all. (Already told him, but he just doesn't want to acknowledge that). I told him before I started coding that I couldn't do any bug testing at all because it has to be delivered so quickly. I didn't manage to get the script done in the timeframe and went to bed. Waking up the next morning (after i already worked 8 hours on the script non-stop) he claimed he already payed someone else to make the script, and out of nowhere that script what was made in a timestamp off less than 6 hours broke and he got a refund. https://gyazo.com/88bbad4c4b1655cea402173fc33cba92 // https://gyazo.com/ff6be902af29988cb925383da7ba89aa // https://gyazo.com/8c2c96662733663efc555e1c9b1db404. After that he said sorry in private chat in our own language (Dutch), and said I could get the 40m. // https://gyazo.com/b43b844cb92b141c01198b7208eab922 // (Pretty sure there's a Dutch moderator on here) The same day (1 day after) I finished the script, but there were still some bugs in it which you didn't notice unless you ran the script for a long time. I've been fixing all small bugs and optimalisations the last 2/3 days. Suikabooty helped me with finding bugs in the script, Nurvael did completely nothing. Yesterday and the day before Nurvael did not bother to even place 1 message in the chat of SuikaBooty, Nurvael and me. His "Reason" was because he had bad internet, but he was able to post on OSBot on his phone. I fixed all the bugs and I delivered the script again today. After the delivery he told me he wanted paint and that he mentioned that in the features at the request of the script. I told him he didn't because it wasn't true. (Searched the chat with CTRL+F and it was not there). I told him I will add some paint and a GP/h counter after I received my payment because I still didn't for 4 days of work. He started complaining that it took to long so he wanted a refund and said he was going to make a dispute because the delivery took too long. I told him at the beginning I couldn't find any bugs in such a small timestamp while he still wanted to buy the script. The whole chatlog of today is just too long to screen, so I'll just post it in a pastebin. SuikaBooty and Nurvael can both confirm nothing is editted, and if there are parts you don't believe, I can screenshot them.


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