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Walking Paths


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Can somebody show me an example of walking a path - without using web walking - that handles doors or stairs?

I can't really find any good examples or tuts on how these are handled for paths containing multiple objects.

An example path would be from lummy cow pen to top floor bank in lummy.

Thank you all in advanced!

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To walk a certain path with walkPath you can use any sort of Position collection, such as an array.

Example of walkPath:

Position[] path = { new Position(0,0,0), new Position(1,1,1) };

To handle doors and such yourself, you could first check before starting to walk, if you're in a certain area that you'd have to open a door in. If you'd be in such an area; handle the door(s) otherwise walk your path


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9 minutes ago, Eagle Scripts said:

To walk a certain path with walkPath you can use any sort of Position collection, such as an array.

Example of walkPath:

Position[] path = { new Position(0,0,0), new Position(1,1,1) };

To handle doors and such yourself, you could first check before starting to walk, if you're in a certain area that you'd have to open a door in. If you'd be in such an area; handle the door(s) otherwise walk your path


Would I have to separate a path that has two separate stairs into separate paths?

for example would this work:

if at first stairs
    handle stairs
    walk to second stair area
else if at second stairs
    handle second stairs
    walk path


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1 hour ago, Eagle Scripts said:

To walk a certain path with walkPath you can use any sort of Position collection, such as an array.

Example of walkPath:

Position[] path = { new Position(0,0,0), new Position(1,1,1) };

To handle doors and such yourself, you could first check before starting to walk, if you're in a certain area that you'd have to open a door in. If you'd be in such an area; handle the door(s) otherwise walk your path


This doesn't work.

You need this:

Position[] path = { new Position(0,0,0), new Position(1,1,1) };


Edited by The Undefeated
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