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botted a service


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Disputed member: [ @353234543 ]

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Needed someone to train 1 - 52 agility for me
We agreed that he would do the service for me for 5m if he would train on my vps so I could monitor it.
He agreed and the next days when I checked he was logged in but not on the VPS
Asked him for screen shots as a proof that he trained by hand which he could not provide
So we agreed to use a mod as middleman his payment for 48 hour wait to see if the account gets permed or not
And that I would not change the password so he too could see that I wont play on it.

Less than 24 hours later the account received a perm ban and he is not replying.



proof of me asking him to do the service on the condition that he will train on my server which he agreeing to:




proof of that he broke our agreement but agreed to provide screen shots:




proof of me still willing to pay him after 48 hours if the account doesn't get banned:





proof that the account got banned less than 24 hours after he botted on it:



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