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Question about Areas


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I was looking over Pandemic's guide on a simple mining script 



And it was all making sense to me except when it had finally come together I had some errors, 

import org.osbot.rs07.utility.Area;

This line was couldn't be resolved, this ended up effecting any othertime when the word Area was used. 


The guide was written in 2014 and OSBot has been updated since then, I'm not sure how to use the Area function.


Thanks for any help you can provide!

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change it to


import org.osbot.rs07.api.map.Area;


you establish/declare an area like so :: private Area lumbridgeGoblins = new Area(3244, 3243, 3249, 3241);


then i would use webwalking to walk to ur area seeing as it auto handles doors/steps/etc




So would all of the walking using positions be unnecessary since webwalking would just handle that?


Or how does webwalking specifically work?

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So would all of the walking using positions be unnecessary since webwalking would just handle that?


Or how does webwalking specifically work?


it works just as i showed you.


don't need each position that you want to click and walk. just need the end area/position. walks there from wherever you are

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So would all of the walking using positions be unnecessary since webwalking would just handle that?


Or how does webwalking specifically work?

walk.walkPath() - walks a given path you set.

walk.walk() - walks to a local tile that is on the minimap or gamescreen. Usually for short distances only.

walking.webwalk() - creates its own advanced path to a given tile. It can use boatLinks, questLinks, and more. Mainly used for long distances or walking with a lot of obstacles.



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