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What do you guys think causes the social stigma that surrounds drug use? My folks really disapprove that I've tried drugs (even though I've avoided hard stuff and can not be classified as an addict whatsoever) and all in all it seems that drug use in general is tied with degeneracy and weakness. In my mind, if drugs can help you through life and you use them in a way that is both respectful to yourself and others, there is no problem. It's also quite weird how we've drawn an artificial line between which drugs are acceptable, like alcohol, and which ones are not, like marijuana. One is illegal in most states here while the other is legal in all states, even though marijuana is far less dangerous than alcohol could ever be. Your guys' thoughts?

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I think that the older generation often mistake use for abuse which has a clear difference. I agree that a lot of the time drug use helps people deal with issues but its overshadowed by the issue of drug abuse. However, I have a number of mates who were casual users that developed into abusers and eventually fell into psychosis, so I guess that progression feeds the fear of drugs and their consequences. I think that societies choose which drugs are acceptable based on they're history with the use e.g. alcohol vs marijuana. Even opium was a huge social norm in Asia. I also believe that big pharma plays a big role in influencing drug culture as they have the resources to manipulate the media and politics behind drug use e.g. promotion of vitamin C in 20th century as a cure for colds. 

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there are more working heroin users than heroin addicts in USA :) 


on topic, yes, my pears would kill me if i told them i take ritalin (swedish verson (lighter) then adderal to study.

They even freaked out when they found out im on coffein pills to take me through all my studies.


I like trying stuff but so far I dont like drugs except alcohol, which im now starting to lose intresst in. 


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what a bullshit, so when i smoke some weed while i sit on the sofa how i ever endangering the lives of others


yeah actually you are, marijuana can overtake your body and make you do irrational things. wouldn't surprise me if you've done things you'd regret under the influence of the drug's toxins and not even remembered once your body's immune system has removed to marijuana cells

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I think that all drugs have a negative impact somehow. I think there are benefits to some drugs that can outweigh the bad, and I also think some drugs aren't as bad as alcohol. I think marijuana has positives that outweigh the negative. The single negative being smoke is bad for you. If you aren't out driving while high you should be good.


Marijuana helps people with headaches, insomnia, etc. It leaves you well rested and feeling fresh and ready for the next day. It has been proven to do many other medically beneficial things as well. One major thing that hits close to home for me is it helps prevent seizures. If you've ever been in the room while someone has had a seizure you'd understand. It's scary. As long as you use the drug for good reasons. Example: Help you sleep, enhances your eating experience, relieves you of headaches, makes you feel better the next morning, I don't see a problem with it. I  think some people do marijuana to get messed up and can be reckless by their own choice but most just do it to help them wind down and enjoy things to their fullest.

Edited by RSJackpot
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