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OS client randomly closes


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Im having the same issues as a few other people here.
I have the latest OS bot. Latest Java.
I deleted all files and folders with OSbot, uninstalled java, downloaded a new client and reinstalled java.

Nothing seems to work, I have it set on low CPU, and I also have 3GB of RAM with no other windows open.


After about 30 minutes of botting, the client with close out.

Edited by darkmatter
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Guest Falixus

I am also having this issue where my cpu spikes and closes osbot and makes chrome and everything unresponsive. I have an ok laptop too.

That's the problem with CPU.

Try to reduce the amount of things you're running at the same time as OSBot. Also, try cleaning your computer a bit.

I would recommend perhaps running OSBot alone at night. 

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why does everyone say its our cpu usage? ffs we have said numouris time our cpu usage is low when it crashes..... i have a very nice computer and have never had this problem with all other version i have only had this problem with .32    FFS


Lol true. Yeah its definitely not my CPU... I said im running on low CPU and also i have a good computer. 3GB of Ram should be running it fine, its a prblem with the client not my computer. I have a laptop and a desktop, both above average stats.... both keep closing out of the client.

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