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Hilary or Trump


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  • Built his fortune, he didn't steal it
  • Turned 1M into 3.4B, not unlike most college kids who turn 50K into -100K
  • Funded his own campaign
  • Has experience in the private sector - he creates real jobs, not pencil-pusher jobs of people with phony non-transferable public experience.
  • Didn't want to invade Iraq, but despite U.S. doing so, his suggestion to "take the oil" is rather smart - you've got to fund your invasion somehow
  • Expects NATO allies to pay their fair share for protection - which is a no brainer. Don't pay for protection? Get no protection then. Expecting any other outcome is like being a cheap ass and not paying for condoms, but somehow thinking you're not going to nut a bitch into 9 months.
  • speaks in the common language, using the common tongue - I respect a leader who's in touch with the people, not some cronies up on their high horses who use fancy words with 10+ syllables.
  • Doesn't respect political correctness. PC culture is absolute cancer and has only resulted in us not talking about the physical boat loads of unmanaged migration of (mostly) fighting-aged Islamic men into the Western world.
  • Demands there be actual borders for countries (who'd a thought a country needs some fucking borders).

Those are just some of the reason to vote Trump. I haven't even begin broaching why people shouldn't vote for Clinton.

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  • Built his fortune, he didn't steal it
  • Turned 1M into 3.4B, not unlike most college kids who turn 50K into -100K
  • Funded his own campaign
  • Has experience in the private sector - he creates real jobs, not pencil-pusher jobs of people with phony non-transferable public experience.
  • Didn't want to invade Iraq, but despite U.S. doing so, his suggestion to "take the oil" is rather smart - you've got to fund your invasion somehow
  • Expects NATO allies to pay their fair share for protection - which is a no brainer. Don't pay for protection? Get no protection then. Expecting any other outcome is like being a cheap ass and not paying for condoms, but somehow thinking you're not going to nut a bitch into 9 months.
  • speaks in the common language, using the common tongue - I respect a leader who's in touch with the people, not some cronies up on their high horses who use fancy words with 10+ syllables.
  • Doesn't respect political correctness. PC culture is absolute cancer and has only resulted in us not talking about the physical boat loads of unmanaged migration of (mostly) fighting-aged Islamic men into the Western world.
  • Demands there be actual borders for countries (who'd a thought a country needs some fucking borders).

Those are just some of the reason to vote Trump. I haven't even begin broaching why people shouldn't vote for Clinton.



  • Trump is reincarnation of Adolf Hitler



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