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You made out no one could/would dispute their payments on you after closing/selling your pokemon go botting website within weeks of opening it.

Wasn't you wrong though? You "lost money" although claiming you wouldn't, so again I stand corrected you know fuck all.

Nowhere was that stated. Stop with false accusations and instead provide proof. We didn't lose any money either. Why are you making statements about a business you know nothing about?


Your inability convey whatever a sensible argument is why you get attacked on all of these sites. Back up your arguments with reason instead of falling victim to an abundance of logical fallacies.

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It was in fact scamming, and you said yourself "scummy thing to do" like claiming luring isn't actually scamming but it is.

Scummy thing to do doesn't imply scamming

For example you disgrace us with your presence every day which is a pretty scummy thing to do, you aren't scamming anyone though.

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However I also benefit a lot of members at the same time.

And take this as no offence, but it works both ways in the presence part - As it seems on the other website you're desperately calling out for a new set of friends.

But the fact of the matter is - He took money without being able to deliver, and had possible plans of selling up (just my own two cents) so that is still scamming, not just scummy.

I'm not really trying to call out for a new set of friends as I've got a good bunch that I have a discord server with, I just speak my mind when I want to. I think it would benefit you if you stopped assuming that everyone hated you, I'm aware that it is a symptom of your asbergers as you are quite quick to jump on the defensive, but it isn't usually the case.


In the terms of service on his website he was able to deliver, it may not have been indefinitely, but indefinitely wasn't what was advertised on the terms of service.

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Although yes I have admitted to having an illness, I think me and you are in a different understanding here Ben. 

I do not care too much who likes or hates me, I was raised being told respect those who respect you and treat those around you how you want to be treated.

What do you think I do with my services? I am nowhere near harmful in that aspect, which some people might be like "hahahha you're a service nerd, fuck off" sure, I enjoy doing what I do as a hobby like many do with other things. I get what you mean about being defensive so quickly and it isn't that i'm actually trying to come off that way, I just simply like you mentioned speak my mind.

if you had given me a chance years ago you would see the same, but instead you chose to judge a book by it's cover which I appreciate we can have a civil conversation now days. I mean a prime exaple - In the past I have called you "an anime faggot" or along them lines, but in fact I watched digimon back in the day and yugioh and pokemon as well, so doesn't that mean I am/was myself? 

I just post to waste time unless I actually have something to do (such as when I make a real thread in the market and I put effort into it etc), which as I say i'm the most harmless person on the website I can imagine, with that being said it doesn't mean I wont trash talk people back obviously.

However much you want to deny it from your actions and behaviour it is obvious that you're defensive, that you're paranoid. The fact that you made the time to write this incoherant passage just proves it. I highly suggest going to see a Psychologist to work out your evident problems or you're just going to further isolate yourself even within the constraints of an online forum.

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