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Fruity Zulrah Killer


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4 hours ago, Fruity said:

Im just eating dinner then im going to be running zulrah tests for next few hours, this will be included.


Also, im very close to having V2 on the SDN for testing, i think best way to go about this will be to have CURRENT/ACTIVE users apply and be given 1 week auth to V2 to provide feedback. If you provide good enough feedback ill concider adding extra auth time but if you dont provide feedback and just try to get an auth it will be removed before the 1 week is compete. This could start as soon as tonight/tomorrow

Okay perfect thanks, I don’t mind testing if you need a few people 

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Currently running this script flawlessly in stealth injection. Not standing in poodles ruining kills/hr or being stuck randomly. My issues seems to be related to mirror mode for whatever reason. I'll update if the errors i posted 2 posts up starts occuring in stealth injection as well. Currently running upwards of 15kill/hr instead of like... 5-6. Hoping it holds up! :)

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13 minutes ago, shyronnthefair said:

I have purchased and used on two accounts. Both received Bans this morning. 1 Major 1 Minor. IF the question had to do without running the bot maybe I can assist?


Side note: It looks like there was a huge bot bust happening over last night. 

Sorry to hear about the bans!

The assistance doesnt require running so much just need to test something with auths of v2 as i believe the is an issue with name clashes just want to doubel check

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43 minutes ago, shyronnthefair said:

I have purchased and used on two accounts. Both received Bans this morning. 1 Major 1 Minor. IF the question had to do without running the bot maybe I can assist?


Side note: It looks like there was a huge bot bust happening over last night. 

Did the one with major have a 2day before?

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I just came here to complain about the script getting stuck too much (just woke up to it at the chest for 10+ hours, this is like the third time it's gotten stuck, this being longest).

I know I should be babysitting, but $25 a month for a RS script is a bit much for it to be getting stuck on an every-other session basis.

FORTUNATELY it seems me being stuck at the chest might have saved me from the aformentioned wave ban.

BTW at people farming, are you guys selling @ market? Zulrah scales alone have dropped almost 20GP since I started using script, and other common drops seem to be following. Let's not kill every money maker, now.

Edited by EPLS
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2 minutes ago, EPLS said:

I just came here to complain about the script getting stuck too much (just woke up to it at the chest for 10+ hours, this is like the third time it's gotten stuck, this being longest).

I know I should be babysitting, but $25 a month for a RS script is a bit much for it to be getting stuck on an every-other session basis.

FORTUNATELY it seems me being stuck at the chest might have saved me from the aformentioned wave ban.

BTW at people farming, are you guys selling @ market? Zulrah scales alone have dropped almost 20GP since I started using script, and other common drops seem to be following. Let's not kill every money maker, now.

If possible, can you come to chatbox, will auth v2 and see if you have better luck/Help find bugs pre-release?

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4 minutes ago, EPLS said:

I just came here to complain about the script getting stuck too much (just woke up to it at the chest for 10+ hours, this is like the third time it's gotten stuck, this being longest).

I know I should be babysitting, but $25 a month for a RS script is a bit much for it to be getting stuck on an every-other session basis.

FORTUNATELY it seems me being stuck at the chest might have saved me from the aformentioned wave ban.

BTW at people farming, are you guys selling @ market? Zulrah scales alone have dropped almost 20GP since I started using script, and other common drops seem to be following. Let's not kill every money maker, now.

I have a feeling that the sudden price tank was the reason for the banwave. 

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