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Fruity Zulrah Killer


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7 hours ago, TheExcaliberPota said:

I've gotten almost 200kc so far, and was running great up until now. I'm not sure why it happened but here the past few tries I've tried to run zulrah it will get a few kills and then after the loot drops my character will just stand there not moving and not even pick up the loot. If I manually pick up the loot or go to the bank the script won't restart and I have to restart the script to get it to work again. The only change I made to the setup when it was working to now freezing is I added a mage's book to offhand magic loadout. Any ideas what could have happened?

Thank you for the report, on screen, what is it saying the current task is? also, can you show me the setup you're using, inventory and equipment

1 hour ago, wc gansje said:

how big is the change of getting banned?

Too many variables and not much knowledge for anyone to know. Bot moderately and hopefully you last longer

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3 minutes ago, pewpewv said:


lucky ass... i waited almost 2 days and no trial was given to me :'( so i had to buy it without trialling it first.. but  i like it alot though lol and its pretty nice.

Darn sorry i missed, shoulda hit me up in pm's to get me attention  haha

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