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Fruity Zulrah Killer


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2 hours ago, Sniped1 said:

I'm not afraid to get banned, I just wanna keep it botting for as long as possible. You clearly didn't understand what I was saying...

i'd just bot after 6pm GMT and before 9am GMT (usually just run through the night)

avoid long periods,

add constant breaks,

avoid botting every day, take a 'rest day' every other day.

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On 28/08/2017 at 2:06 PM, Dan Bilzerian said:

Lumbridge after die in zulrah

Ty, sorry slow reply thought i had done alrdy!

On 31/08/2017 at 0:33 AM, Dan Bilzerian said:

@Fruity i have question , if i have Serpentine helm i still need anti venoms? 

No, you wont need anti-venoms if you have a serp. It will recharge serp when low on charges

5 hours ago, snakemethod said:

is mirror recommended for this script? i want to know so i can buy vip first

I recommend stealth as its more stable

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