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Dispute against final


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He's literally taking advantage of this situation, I didn't take any of his items whatsoever, why are you so devoted to getting be banned when I slipped up on something so subjective as whether I released a script he claimed he didn't have use for after a couple of hours and I didn't profit on it.


This is extremely aggravating right now.

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1. We don't monitor private scripts, until you decide to take it upon your self and release it to the public or sell multiple copies. We aren't even discussing the items you scammed from him as we can't prove it. The reason I said you are paying him back or being IP banned. 27M you took from him to write him a PRIVATE script and then posted the jar for EVERYONE to use. Which turns this PRIVATE script into a PUBLIC script. It is really common sense. You have 24 hours (from my first time saying it) to pay him back. Yes the script is exactly what he wanted, but you took it into your own hands to release it as public.

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