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Client laggs while 2 clients open, but CPU usage is under 50%, RAM is 49%, WHY?


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When I open 1 tab, then bot works fine, but when I open 2 tabs and start 2 bots, then huge lagg comes. CPU usage is 50% and RAM usage is 50% also when 2 bots opened, I tried LOW CPU also and then CPU usage was 19% and RAM 35%, but still laggs as hell, 0 and 1 FPS.





When I used rsbots.net then I opened 7 clients and no lagg.

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As you have said, lag & CPU are the problem.

What are your computer specs? 

4GB Ram

Dual 2.1Ghz



I ran 7 rsbots.net clients 2 years ago...


That is a fairly low capacity CPU, go into the settings and into debugs and toggle "low cpu" and see if that helps.


we have a leak issue.. :/

^^ this is also true.

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