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MW Iron Series - Fisher & Cooker Unleash The Ultimate (G)(H)Ironman Gaming Experience Elevate Your Gameplay in Seconds: Discover the only tool that lets you dominate OSBOT effortlessly. Exclusive Offer: Power up your game for the price of a Starbucks coffee. GRAB YOUR GAME CHANGER NOW! ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- What Top Players Are Saying: Unmatched reviews by: @skillerkidos1: @Czar: @Larsen: ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Features That Set You Apart: Instant Play: No fuss. Dive straight in. Elite Fishing: From swordfish to sharks, always the best. Auto-Equip: All essential items, always ready. Auto-Cook: Every catch perfected. Sleek UI: A dash of style with top-tier functionality. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Safety First, Always: Evades dark wizards in varrock and draynor. Will also Evade the Lumbridge jail. Your hardcore status is important to me!; A custom break manager that takes your account safety in consideration for 100%; Buys / Gathers all the equipment and items you need for the current task at hand; Hides attack options so you do not attack some random mob and die to it; Uses a different kind of mouse profile for every run / after each break; Does the quest "Cook's Assistant" for you if you have not done it yet!; Always uses randomized runs for the amount of fishing being fished; Makes money whenever you are out of it for items / travel methods; World hopping algo that scans players in area to prevent reports! Sets your attack options back when you exit the script ==> when 2.6.38+ osbot client is released; Hide paint with pressing "F6" Potential future addision: Adding the quest "fishing contest"; Adding fishing trawler minigame; Adding minnows support Adding monkfish support CLI support: "-script 1171:botmin.*.botmax.*.breakmin.*.breakmax.*" At the place of the "*" you should place a number. So for example "-script 1171:botmin.10.botmax.20.breakmin.30.breakmax.40". this would mean the bot will play between 10 & 20 minutes and break between 30 & 40 minutes. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Limited Time Offer! Compatible with both F2P and P2P. Lock in this price before it's too late! SECURE YOUR ADVANTAGE ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- We've Got Your Back: Any questions? Anytime. Our Discord community is here for you. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- In a Nutshell: The one and only (G)(H)Ironman Fisher & Cooker tool. An unmatched experience, even for non-ironman players. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Real Results, No Gimmicks: 2.5 days of game domination in F2P. Proven and ban-free. F2P progress P2P progress ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Hear Directly from Our Champions: @skillerkidos1: @Czar: @Ricky Dactyl: @Dogcube: @Cougar187234 @lakersrule22: Join the Elite. Be the Best. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- The next section is only relevant if you already own the script Bug Report Steps: 1. Join my discord Click Here 2. Right click my name 3. Select "Message" Provide the following things: 4. What version of the script are you running on? Seen in the bottom right corner when running the script 5. If possible share a video of what happens, if you are not able to, share images 6. Try to explain what happened in as much detail as possible 7. Copy and paste the log If that is not enough, and if you are OK with it, we can get on a call where you explain it to me what happens! VERY IMPORTANT INFORMATION If you have obtained the script, join my discord server and send me an image were you show me that you own the script. This way I can give you the role of "Fisher & Cooker". With this role you have extra benefits like: Special giveaways solemnly for people that own the script! You support me, so I support you Only acces to a channel with this script's users to brainstorm with about the script You have my direct attention if you message me about the script! and more... Special Giveaways:
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[Open Source / Github Link] Pair of Powerskilling Scripts
yfoo posted a topic in Resource Collection ~20k-55k fishing xph, ~2.5-5.5k strength and agility xph. (Lvl Based) Random inventory shift click drop orders. If player stops fishing, may drop fish if inventory is almost full. (Can't AFK much if not many inventory freespace) AFK simulation, different AFK timings every script run session gaussian / random normal distribution / bell curve timings triggered if inventory is full or if the fish npc moved. Dragon Harpoon special (If equipped) Saves Clue bottles Stops on feather/bait shortage Random inventory shift click drop orders. If player stops chopping, may drop logs if inventory is almost full to prepare for next AFK cycle. Can't AFK much if not many inventory freespace AFK simulation, different AFK timings every script run session gaussian / random normal distribution / bell curve timings triggered if inventory is full or if the tree was chopped down. Dragon axe special (If equipped) Picks up nests Both uses fairly identical code as both activities are the same thing. Interact -> Wait until inventory full or player stops animating -> drop all -> restart... Chopping script can mark/chop any choppable tree, however that doesn't mean it is compatible with all situations or locations. ex: Marking a tree in a valley and one on a cliff. My takeaway from writing the above scripts... 1. I understand why the premium scripts use AREA instead of marking individual trees such as... Because an Area filter on trees (RS2Objects) is much more easier to do. 2. I needed a paint template to speed things along. Grid can display whatever info you want based on the String[][] data argument. See Paint/ for usage (Either github project). private void drawGrid(Graphics2D g, String[][] data, int cellWidth, int cellHeight) { g.setFont(font); g.setColor(GRID_BG); //Background Color of Grid int maxNumCols = 0; for (String[] row : data) { maxNumCols = Math.max(maxNumCols, row.length); } if (gridCanvas == null) gridCanvas = new Rectangle(cellWidth * maxNumCols, cellHeight * data.length); g.fill(gridCanvas); g.setColor(Color.WHITE); // Color of Text and Grid lines g.draw(gridCanvas); // draw the horizontal lines for (int i = 0; i <= data.length; i++) { int y = i * cellHeight; g.drawLine(0, y, cellWidth * maxNumCols, y); } for (int row = 0; row < data.length; row++) { int numElementsInRow = data[row].length; for (int col = 0; col < numElementsInRow; col++) { // draw the strings in the right positions int textX = col * (gridCanvas.width / numElementsInRow) + (gridCanvas.width / (numElementsInRow * 2) - g.getFontMetrics().stringWidth(data[row][col]) / 2); int textY = row * (gridCanvas.height / data.length) + (gridCanvas.height / (data.length * 2)) - g.getFontMetrics(font).getHeight() / 2 + g.getFontMetrics().getAscent(); g.drawString(data[row][col], textX, textY); // draw the vertical lines. Dividing each row into {numElementsInRow} sections for (int i = 0; i < numElementsInRow - 1; i++) { int x = col * (gridCanvas.width / numElementsInRow); g.drawLine(x, row * cellHeight, x, row * cellHeight + cellHeight); } } } } -
Hello everyone, it's DROID ! I've got another simple but effective script for you. I designed this script because I wanted to ensure my new accounts would have extra skilling supplies (in case they die, accidentally drop something, etc). It will collect Bronze axes/Tinderboxes, Bronze Pickaxes, Small fishing nets, or ALL of the above. It does this by speaking with the various skilling tutors around Lumbridge. The script features a drop down menu where you can choose which items to collect. The script is available for download on the SF script network! issues/questions/bugs/comments/wanna chat? ---> pm me on discord: DROID#3850
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Lvl 76 Fishing acoounts 3days rested 10m add discord: TeringTubbie#2916
Hi, i'm new scripting so don't try this at home, probably have bugs, so let me know or there's something that i can add! DOWNLOAD JAR SOURCECODE
F2P Progressive Lobsters A simple yet effective script to get you from 1 to 40 (and beyond) fishing, whilst making some easy F2P GP! What does this script do? Put simply this script will get you from 1 to 40 fishing then continue to fish Lobsters; it will do this by fishing shrimp and anchovies at the Lumbridge swamp fishing spot until level 20 then once we have achieved level 20 we shall drop all unnecessary items such as raw shrimps and anchovies and our small fishing net. We will then move on to the Lumbridge river fishing spot where we will fish trout and salmon until we hit level 40 fishing, once we have achieved level 40 fishing we shall drop all unnecessary items and head over to Port Sarim to charter to Musa point and start/continue fishing Lobsters! How to use: Simply start the script with the following items in inventory and recommended settings applied! Must have: Coins (recommended ~10,000; for when we reach Lobsters) Small fishing net Fly fishing rod Feathers (recommended ~1,000) Lobster pot Recommended: Hide NPC attack options Having "shift drop" turned OFF as it seems to sometimes drop incorrect items Have breaks and dismiss randoms turned OFF else may cause script to bug Disclaimer: This script is intended for gold-farming/suiciding; please do not use on accounts that you value! Please contact me via PM if using any code from this project. Current version source code: Current version download: - F2P Progressive Lobsters v0.3.jar Change log [DD/MM/YYYY]: Previous versions (Source code): Previous versions (Downloads) :
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Introduction: EDIT: Just noticed like 1000 other people have made this same script lol. Hopefully when I add account replacement and automatic muling it'll actually be more useful than it is now. Hey guys. SqueezeTheorem here. I'm a computer science student, and I like to code weird stuff in my free time. This is my current project, and once It's done, I think it'll be pretty cool. My goal is to create a bot you can run that will create a self-repairing network of lobster fishing bots and mules that will replace themselves as they get banned. I've got it in my head how this whole thing is supposed to work and what technology i need to use to get there, and now it's just a matter of sitting down and writing the code. This project is a means to an end. I don't really want a lobster fishing network. I want a network for a more profitable kind of bot, but since there's no overhead and no real risk with f2p lobster fishing, this is a great way to test the efficacy of a self-repairing network and explore if it's worth pursuing another kind of network like this. When the bot is completed, the only thing you'll have to do management wise is check up on your mule accounts and make sure the database has unbanned accounts to use -- that's it. Right now, this script is still usable and somewhat useful. You start the bot with coins, a small net, and a lobster pot in the Lumbridge swamp. From there, it gets level 45 fishing, and then heads off to karamja to catch lobsters. These are the only features so far. Goals: 1. Have the bot be able to complete tutorial island 2. Have the bot power fish until level 45 3. Once level 45, have the bot get coins and a lobster pot from a mule account where it then continues to fish lobster 4. Use a MySQL database to manage accounts, and allow for multiple bot networks to connect to one MySQL "hub" as a means of communication 5. Have all accounts marked as "fishing" mule their caught lobsters to a random mule account from the MySQL database after every X number of lobsters, but only if the account is at least 18 hours old 6. Once an account is banned, have the bot log in to the next account from the MySQL DB and repeat this process 7. Implement obscure, awkward antiban (ie: the bot will, on a random time interval, find a nearby player and address them by name in conversation, randomly using emotes, etc) Current Features: - Power fishes lobsters and anchovies until level 45 fishing, and then travels to karamja to catch lobster - Randomly AFKs for 0 - 180 seconds. The chance of this occurring is 1/33 every time the bot clicks on a fishing pool. - That's it. It's a fishing bot, what were you expecting? Instructions: 1. Start with some coins (15k - 25k), a small fishing net, and a lobster pot. 2. Start the bot, preferably near the lumbridge swamp. 3. Let the bot catch lobsters until its banned. Mule as needed. Known issues: - If you get to level 45 fishing and don't have any coins, the bot is gonna derp out. Same story if it runs out of money. I have no idea what it'll do. TODO: - Fully automatic muling using MySQL - MySQL support to allow for banned accounts to be easily replaced by those in a queue, creating a near fully-auto farm. - Add support for starting without money/selling lobsters to get more money for travel - Built in Tutorial Island solver for truly godly automation Currently working on: Tutorial island solver Download: Source:
Hello! price for an acc with 82 fishing, 40 ranged, 25 melee, all the quest free done and full angler's outfit also have the Heron pet
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lf some1 to get me 94-99 fishing, barb fishing conditions, payment comes after or after x amount of exp (payment every 1m exp) reason for this is because been scammed twice, not feeling like losing any more. If you want mm the only one i accept is @Dbuffed Taking offers:)
Features Fishes shrimp and anchovies by Draynor Village Auto-cooks the anchovies Rudimentary anti-ban Stupidly simple How to use? Download jar from mediafire (v1.2). Place in OSBot scripts folder. Run the script! Requirements Small fishing net in inventory or bank Bronze axe in inventory or bank Tinderbox in inventory or bank Combat lvl 15+ strongly recommended Details The script will first randomize a number between 200 and 500. It will then net the fishing-spots until it has that number of anchovies in the bank, and it will then proceed to cook all that anchovies. After that is done a new number is randomized, and the cycle continues. Also, the script is not obfuscated, so feel free to decompile it if you want the source code. Changelog Version 1.1 Fixed a bug where the script would sleep for 30 seconds if only cooking one anchovies. Vesion 1.2 Fixed the bug mentioned by @Madeon (hopefully). Report if you have similar problems again. Bug reports If you find any bugs, or have any requests and/or questions, please contact me ASAP. Please send log output along with a description of what happens.
Hello all, This is my first script that I'm posting on OSBot, enjoy. ; all feedback, requests and progress images are welcome. To Start: ChangeLog: To Add: Source Code: Jar File: Progress Pics: A special thanks to @Explv for his Sleep class as well as @Fruity @Juggles @Viston @Alek and everybody else in the chatbox who take the time to respond to my questions to help me figure things out.
Hi, I'm trying to make a fishing script but my character isn't fishing the fishing spot. Can you guys help me? It doesn't log "Fishing.." so i guess it's not in the fishing STATE? I'm trying to Net fish @ lumby private enum State { FISH, DROP, WAIT }; private State getState() { if (!inventory.isEmpty()) return State.DROP; if (!inventory.isFull()) return State.FISH; return State.WAIT; } @Override public int onLoop() throws InterruptedException { NPC fishingSpot = npcs.closest("Fishing spot"); switch (getState()) { case FISH: if (fishingSpot != null) { if (fishingSpot.isVisible()) { fishingSpot.interact("Net"); log("Fishing.."); } } break; case DROP: inventory.dropAllExcept(303); break; case WAIT: sleep(random(500, 700)); log("Waiting"); break; } return random(200, 300); }
I am new to scripting but I managed to make this script which I think is pretty good. It took a while but here it is. What it does: Takes the ship between Karamja and Port Sarim, fishes lobsters, and banks them in the bank deposit box at sarim. How to use: 1. Have more than 60 coins in your inventory for the boat. If you have below 60 the script will log out. 2. Have a lobster cage in your inventory. 3. Start the script anywhere around Karamja/Port Sarim and you should be good to go. Have not had any problems with the script after running for 4 hours with breaks. Post here if you find something. Thanks! Link to script download. Edit: May have trouble if you have completed pirate's treasure. Not sure.
Hi, I'm willing to offer the OSB community with the following services, free in exchange for + Rep once the service has been completed. *7QP - I'll get 7QP on your account, reguardless of starter cash. *Powerleveling(~12 hours), I'll mirror-mode train your accounts in: -Fishing -Woodcutting -Mining -Combat *Tutorial Island - I'll make an account for you(verified emails/Legit char name), run it through tut island and give you the details, all for a +1 Rep. PM me!
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