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  1. have you had any complaints of bans? Also are you ever looking to add more herbs patches like trollheim?
  2. anyone been banned using this script?
  3. iZerker

    Need mm2 done

    I am dead ass serious.
  4. iZerker

    Need mm2 done

    I'll do this for 5mil, dead ass.
  5. You're an idiot lol. America is the gun capital of the world, good luck trying to take away 101 guns per 100 households you'll be looking at the next civil war in america. We have preventive measures that utilized to combat terrorist threats and they FAILED. How do you fight off, or successfully defend your self against someone with a gun? You have a gun. Your level of thought process operates on the concrete operations level and you only think concretely. You fail to understand the values of why we have a second amendment, which is the purpose of protecting ourselves against our own government. It is indoctrinated into the American life that you live on the land of the free, and you have the right to self expression, what protects this right? You owning a gun. This is why it's the second amendment in our bill of rights you have no clue what you are talking about. Please retake a remedial history class and political science class to educate yourself.
  6. Not only that, Australia is a different country with different values. America was founded on guns. These rifles and pistols are another form of self expression and our ability to protect our self expression. A lot of new generation American's do not realize these values I feel, as I see it in political talks at uni.
  7. All the liberal lefts at my school say to ban AR's I LOL in my head when they say so. As if 35 people didn't die at virgina tech from handguns. The shooting in florida is a result of a system wide failure. The fbi being informed the of the kid and not doing shit about it, the 4 cops the stood outside for four minutes while the kid killed his classmates (shooting went on for six), the fact that his foster family really believed that they had the ONLY key (usually a gun safe comes with two in case you lose one), the school failing to help the little cunt as it was well known he had disturbing thoughts, and last but not least the failure of a fellow classmate to alert, or even attack the shooter AS he was loading the rifle in the hallway. Yes, a fellow classmate walked by him while he was loading the gun and the gunman said "you better get out of here before things get ugly". Its literally a system wide failure.
  8. iZerker


    that game dead as'f lol. Went from 50k to 5k population LOL
  9. I was botting seers as well, I think seers is the hot spot for agility bans tbh.
  10. how many hours would you run it?
  11. eh, idk about that because i used rmate before on another account with no bans, got it to 99 fishing. I just used a shitty free agility script that was extremely bot like lmaoo.
  12. weath walked into his office, cracked his knuckles and fuck all of us.
  13. Yeah i was doing seers to, only about an hour a session. yeah i was going to get it, but didn't lol i should of though.
  14. Looks like the hit the agility bots hard, literally only botted about an hour using another client (rmate) and woke up with a two day ban lol. I'd bot for an hour about, then go kill blue dragons and do quests, still banned. Even using a reflection bot i was still caught.
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