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  1. Alright, thanks for the heads up. Will take a look at mirror mode threads.
  2. Currently testing brutal black dragons and coming across a bug. Even without selecting the hop world function, occasionally the script will get stuck attempting to hop worlds. It only fixes itself if I manually change worlds, then it will hop to the world it wants and continue on as normal or restart the script.
  3. Script has a logic bug - What is the bug: The script will not detect when out of prayer potions or food to bank from brutal black dragons. The script will also stand in melee range of the dragons often till it dies when using the stand away option. - How did you make the bug happen Used stand away option, script still stands in melee range. - (optional) recommendation for the bug, e.g. 'make the script walk back' or something - Tried client restart? Yes, several times. - Normal script or a plugin? brutal black dragon plug-in - Which exact setup options are enabled? Afk mode, cannon mode, etc etc. Anti-pattern, recharge at alter and stand away. Have used bank when full inven, no food and no prayer options.
  4. New feature request 1. Would it possible to allow us to save profiles within the brutal black plug-in? 2.Would it be possible to have the brutal black plug-in alch the drops with a rune pouch in your inventory?
  5. New feature request 1. Would it possible to allow us to save profiles within the brutal black plug-in? 2.Would it be possible to have the brutal black plug-in alch the drops with a rune pouch in your inventory?
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