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Bronze Poster

Bronze Poster (2/10)



  1. 0 feedbacks, not a vip offering in every single acc! gl bro
  2. wont load(Error downloading remote SDN script id : 630) is this related to the ddos attacks? thank you! btw very nice script made 200m+ cheers!
  3. Disputed Member:[99273=dedecioo] Why it should be removed:It have been sorted out Details:it was not me the one who scammed him! Link to topic:http://osbot.org/forum/topic/80620-dipute-against-dedecioo-99273/
  4. can anyone help me? how can i add more memmory? iv tried that command , did not work, says Error: Unable to access jarfile OSBot.jar
  5. did you even confirm if it was me via private message via osbot forums? you got scammed by someone else, don't come and blame me for your mistakes
  6. LOL????? i dont even know this guy!!!!! what the hell?????????? do you even know my skype??????? what is going on??????????
  7. while doing steel bars with stamina potions, some times it drinks the last dose of stamina ,abnk the vial and get 1 more iron ore so he needs to walk 2 times to remove the bars, one for iron one and other for the steel ones...
  8. how can i use this? please any help?
  9. can i have a trial thank!
  10. got me fire cape asap- 2hrs good price, flawless!!! thanks!
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