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  1. Could you let me know what were you botting when banned?
  2. Ok thanks alot for the help look forward to using your script in a few weeks hopefully astrals are flawless by then :p
  3. @khalesi Thanks for the replies, I am not using a new account i'm using a loved account but unfortunately no longer care for the game so a ban wouldn't be the end of the world. My real question is are astrals noticeably more bannable than say the abyss? Or are both equal?
  4. It's great to see such an active developer and am looking forward to purchasing this as soon as I have access to astrals, I just have one question which I hope you can answer. If i bot "smart" around 10 hours or less a day with a break, what are the chances of a ban? I understand there is always a risk of being banned but I have a friend who was banned almost instantly from astrals in the early days of oldschool, is this still the case today?
  5. Does this support astrals with pouch repair+tele?
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