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  1. Aaaaand I got banned. Didn't even bot much, like 2-4 hours / day. Well, that's it for my botting.
  2. Okay well what you could do, is go to the chat box on this website and find a trusted seller, then sell him ~3m RSGP. Then he will give you 7,99 credits which will be enough to buy the script. This can get kinda tricky though, if you haven't done it before and according to your post, your english skills ain't that good so you might run into some problems. But you should think about it.
  3. Works just fine. Maybe a bit slow but it will get faster soon. Bugs only occur when rs has had an update but I think that's the case with every script.
  4. Well yeah, best way to craft natures is through abyss, teleporting to edgeville with amulet of glory, banking there and repeat.
  5. I used to runecraft with wearing the ring of dueling, but if you do like fire/lava runes then it really helps out to have the ring in your inventory, so you don't have to "waste time" by navigating to the gear tab. So yeah, I would say that "professional runecrafters" use ring of dueling in their inventory, but also wear one, in case they forget to get a new one from bank when it runs out of charges. This is not the case with amulet of glories though. When you make nats, you wanna make sure that your inventory is filled with as much essence as you can, to maximize the profit.
  6. "- Pouch repair (NPC contact required)" It clearly says that you need NPC contact to repair pouches. Maybe if you would have read what the script can do before buying it, you wouldn't be so disappointed.
  7. Yup, works like a charm now ;) Just one thing, I remember using ATBundle's law crafter back in Osb1, it got me 20k+ exp / hour , this script makes 14k exp/ hour Maybe you could speed up the script or something? Not being too greedy but trying to give you some improvement suggestions Other than that, great script! =)
  8. Just bought the script aswell for law runecrafting. When it tries to travel with the balloon and it's supposed to click on "Entrana", it just moves mouse randomly and does nothing. At law altar, it crafts the law runes, very slowly though. But when it rubs the dueling ring, it just moves around or moves the mouse to random places but doesn't teleport.
  9. I will happily use this or even buy it if lava runes or at least energy potions would be supported Runecrafting is pretty much pointless if you walk to the altar, and that's also how you usually recognize real runecrafters from bots.
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