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Trade With Caution
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Posts posted by Swindle

  1. It's hidden in my thread, but I have an i5 3570k quad core. I was running three OS'S at the same time while writing the guide lol. I'd estimate I could probably do up to three mirror mode. I'm sure I could do two comfortably and maybe another legit client not on the VM. I could also try some overclocking smile.png


    Lol, I have the same exact CPU. I can run 2 whilst browsing the web, but my CPU will fluctuate 90-100%. It's not ideal. Wish it wasn't so resource intensive.


    Oh, yea I know about Virtual machines man. My issue is with the resource usage (specifically CPU) of the mirror mode client. VMs use your computers resources, so it makes no difference. Whereas VPS's have their own resources.. you just remotely connect to set up the bot.

    • Like 1
  3.  Yes I'm using multiple VPS. can't share my provider sorry. 


    Might I ask why? I'm looking for a reasonably priced provider that is capable of running mirror mode.


    Maybe we could come to an agreement?

  4. ^ This, been running this script 14 hours a day on 10 accounts for 9 days straight and no ban. Use mirror mode + get your combat up and you should be very safe.


    You must be making a killing. How are you running 10 accounts on mirror mode? VPS? If so, would you mind telling me your provider.



  5. Are you making this money purely through ankous?


    What's your secret in regards to avoiding chain bans? Proxies?


    Assuming you don't use mirror client, as you run 15 at a time.

  6. I fixed this issue by:


    Uninstalling all java on your computer

    Google Java JDK and get the latest version (java 8) I believe. Make sure it is the 32bit version.


    Install it, then run mirror mode. Should work perfectly.

  7. I agree, either that or OSbot could perhaps come out with a client that uses less resources that the old school client does, because that is what uses up a shit loads of CPU. 


    I run mirror mode with Old school in a browser, and it doesn't take up too much in terms of resources. It's mirror mode that is the problem in this instance.

  8. Personally I've had 0 luck with the standard client, banned after a few hours of botting always. Mirror client is the opposite story though, I've never been banned just using the mirror client.

  9. Mirror mode is your #1 friend when it comes to avoiding bans. You can get banned straight off tutorial island if you're using a below par script and F2p worlds. 


    A good starting point to stay 'off the radar' would be:

    • Mirror mode client
    • P2P account
    • No more than 8-10 hours a day
    • Premium/well written/private script
    • Avoid commonly/highly botted areas
    • Play legit/quest on the account you are botting from time to time


    Although none of this will make you 'immune' to a ban, it will reduce the chance of you receiving them.

  10. Assuming you are botting BF for goldfarming purposes, I don't think coal bag is worth the time it takes (and the risk of being banned @MLM).


    Although if you want it to run BF a couple of hours a day, or for some other reason.. Yea it could be worthwhile

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