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  1. So far I've got 43k+ Help me out http://osbot.org/forum/user/9813-cloudnine/ ;) lol #HatedOffLedZepp ;)
  2. You should make all of them show up under 1 icon. Rather than 1 icon for each account, it would be 1 icon and it would say. "Warning: 'Blah' is being attacked by 'Blahh'." I'm going to do something like this, and I have a lot of other things I'm going to add as well. It will make managing 100 bots a breeze. ;D
  3. This sucks. (You told me to criticize it.. You didn't say constructively.) Jk. Looks good. This would work great for most scenarios.
  4. My account clicked on the wrong door for 14 hours in the maze random..It even clicked to continue on the dialogue "I think this is the wrong door" You should make it click on the second closest door when the message for that interface contains "wrong door" or something like that. Thanks. *So going to be banned.*
  5. Yeah there probably are quite a few script skeletons out there, but mine's explained decently, and I put some helpful tips for new scripters on mine.
  6. I hate retyping the basic script layout every time I write a new script so I made this class. I figured it could also benefit new scripters if I released it on the forums. I'll explain the code in notes. import java.awt.Graphics; import org.osbot.script.Script; import org.osbot.script.ScriptManifest; @ScriptManifest(author = "Cloudnine", info = "TemplateScript v0.1", name = "TemplateScript", version = 0.1)//How the script will show up when you go to start it public class TemplateScript extends Script { long startTime; long runTime; public void onStart() {//This code executes when the script is started log("TemplateScript v0.1 by Cloudnine has initialized!"); startTime = System.currentTimeMillis(); } public void onExit() {//This code executes when the script is stopped log("Thank you for using TemplateScript v0.1 by Cloudnine!"); log("Ran for " + runTime / 1000 + " seconds."); } public void onPaint(Graphics g) {//This is to "paint", or display, content on the screen runTime = System.currentTimeMillis() - startTime; g.drawString("TemplateScript v0.1", 450, 345);//X: 450 (left and right), Y: 345 (up and down) g.drawString("by Cloudnine", 450, 360); g.drawString("Run Time: " + (runTime / 1000), 450, 385); } public int onLoop() throws InterruptedException { /* * Place Code Here */ return 100;//sleeps for 100ms, then restarts this loop } } Even if you don't need the explanation, you can put this in Eclipse and do Ctrl+F, Replace TemplateScript with ScriptName, rather than retyping this over and over. If you want to see the functions OSBot provide you with, visit the api. http://osbot.org/api If you are new to java, and want to learn enough to begin scripting, you can try out the Oracle Java Tutorials. That's where I learned. (Look it up on Google, it's easy to find). Also, for the beginner programmers, download an IDE if you don't use one. That will help you script 10x more efficiently. It's practically impossible to program efficiently without an IDE. An IDE is a text editor made for programmers. Ex: Eclipse, Netbeans, etc.. I prefer Eclipse. Random Tip: If you use Eclipse, press Ctrl+Shift+F to automatically format your code neatly.
  7. deselectItem() is really weird. Doesn't seem to work well, also seems bot like. Is there a boolean that states if an item is selected?
  8. Cloudnine

    BETA v1.7.27

    Yeah it's nice. I'm glad I switched to OSBot. Anywhere else you have to wait about 2 weeks for an update, and by then all of the randoms have changed again. We're keeping Jagex busy. Only problem as of now is the freaky forester, and the problem where the bot doesn't deselect items when a random kicks in. Other than that, it's doing pretty nicely.
  9. If the random solver kicks in while an item is selected, it won't know to deselect the item. When opening doors, clicking levers, etc. the random solver doesn't know if it should deselect an item, so it just hangs forever until you fix it manually. Please look into fixing this bug. Also, please make interact() automatically know if it should deselect an item. That would be a really cool feature. Or simply make a boolean for areItemsSelected(). Thanks. Greatly appreciated.
  10. The man Jesus or what Jesus represented ? Sure you can say you don't believe in Jesus but you have to also think about what "Jesus" stands for. Not just a name that defines a human being but a way to live your life and set or morals. but still...Smoke meth hail satan.. Matthew 4:10
  11. thanks for helping me with fishing script man :)

  12. Gl. RSPS is hard to fix because it's been tampered with by so many 12 year olds and crappy programmers. Btw, I'll be seeing you soon. I'm starting a server up after a while. Mine won't be released for a long time though. I'm rewriting everything, and implementing every last nice feature that would go well with a classic server. If you have an option for Real Oldschool XP Rates, I might play. I don't like fast XP.
  13. It just does that brah. Normal. They'll get to that eventually dw.
  14. use this to make a randoms data collector. snapshots and collects ids for the npcs/objects/etc.
  15. Google "Official Java Tutorials." That's how I learned. Wrong category btw.
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