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  1. i can buy with paypal if that works ?
  2. do you still have gold to sell ?
  3. id be intrested but do you have any other forms of payment options ?
  4. if i sent to you as a gift i cant cahrgeback can i ?
  5. i like this idea also is it worth leveling slayer while training range? or will that effect my combat level ?
  6. so much advice i appreciate it guys. So ill get 55 slayer while training range to a max of 40 i wont lvl pray yet then rock crab strength to like 80 and see how that goes ? have i missed something or will that do for starters ?
  7. so i shoul;d be aiming for 99 str and not to keep it at 60 ?
  8. alrtight ill work on 55 slayer and 50 range and the same time. keep strength at 60 tho ? and does it matter what pray lvl aslong as its between 15-30 ?
  9. Hey Guys, im after a bit of advice. I want to make an obby mauler i am currently 1/60/1 and everything else is 1. I have never really pked before so wanna start off with something simple, so i guess what im asking is what other stats should i be getting and what else do i need to do ? Cheers in advance
  10. Order form What service do you need: quests Do you need powerleveling, if so what: quest requirmentrs Have you contacted me yet: Yes, talking on skype Do you have a dead line: asap Do you accept the ToS: yes
  11. ok so looking for as windows vps based in Europe ( windows so i can run mirror) and just wondering how many mirror clients i would be looking at with 6 vcores and 8 gig ram??
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