INFO][bot #1][09/19 04:14:34 ip.]: ---------- Perfect Fisher 0.31 ----------
[iNFO][bot #1][09/19 04:14:34 ip.]: 31 fishing locations loaded.
[iNFO][bot #1][09/19 04:14:34 ip.]:
[iNFO][09/19 04:14:34 ip.]: Started script : Perfect Fisher
[iNFO][bot #1][09/19 04:14:35 ip.]: / My fish set to [Leaping sturgeon]
[iNFO][bot #1][09/19 04:14:41 ip.]: Built the anti-drop list.
[iNFO][bot #1][09/19 04:14:41 ip.]: loop.nodrop_others Cancelled drop task 2
[iNFO][bot #1][09/19 04:14:41 ip.]: loop.nodrop_others Cancelled drop task 2
[iNFO][bot #1][09/19 04:14:41 ip.]: loop.nodrop_others Cancelled drop task 2
Mousekeys, barbarian outpost with anti patterning