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Posts posted by guywithlsd

  1. As i know wildereness is best palce to mine rune ore for lvl 3 noob?

    And when mining there, some one knows best banking method? Like, run to mage bank..or run to lvl 20 wild and teleport..or something else?

  2. I don't even thisn you need those req. Cuz you need to get in boat, talk with pirates, remove some marks and done, you are in island. So i think you don't need any of those stats, but im not sure.

  3. Heya, I do, but it's here. http://osbot.org/forum/topic/52474-apa-yak-killer-osb2/ For some reason wasn't linked on sdn and I can't change this, asked for it to be added yesterday though


    Thanks for the proggie!


    I cannot deal with randoms, and it stops completely from randoms too. Its a shame I get the blame for a client which doesn't work properly tbh tongue.png I guess we are all waiting on @Laz to fix up a few things and officially release this client smile.png

    Atleas i didn't saw even single complain about script.

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  4. Think what you must, we're all breaking the rules if you think about it... I don't really encourage it I'm just showing people what I've lured in my history of luring so far. For one I don't bot my main account (I've recently gotten back into botting) and I barely use services and such but what the hell we all BREAK the rules.We all might as well as follow the Runescape rules with your attitude and we should all be banned on here with the thoughts of your attitude. 

    One thing is Bot/take services, sell gold you earn w/o bots/ etc. And another thing is lure guy and just take all his cash. With botting, i take money from game, and i sell to ppl. With services, i get payed for smth i done to another person.

    And you, you just scam the god dam gold from a guy that he might payed irl $$, or maybe was grinding 1 years to get it from his skilling/pking what ever.

    I can't see different of luring, and lets say account recovering. Same shit, u make traps for a guy, and u just take his irl/ingame money, leaving it without anything.

  5. Testing now. Looks good. Maybe moving to crab only in minimap isn't best way...i think you could add that it would walk near crab sometimes just by cliking on screen, not only minimap.

    EDIT -> 


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  6. Mmmm, probably when i was around 14....no, maybe 12 or so...i got like 60 mage/att/str/wc. Droped that shit, and after few years started to bot..do this till now, with breaks. And im 21.. Basicly, never played this game legit, only when there was few months of pking, but no...i can't paly more then 15-20mins this game anymore.


  7. dam, i use autobuyer for month or so on 2 accounts 24/7. And one of those accounts was banned month ago with botbusting moderate using autotyper in w1. Idk why ppls say autobuyers are highest ban rates..? why? How it can be more high ban rate then any other script..

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