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Everything posted by SD8Z

  1. I have my private script for the Summer garden. Should I release it? Winter, no. Summer, yes.
  2. SD8Z

    Activate my account

    Thanks for the help. In the meanwhile I'll try to post something interesting. I guess you can lock this now. Or when you tell what the post count requirement is.
  3. SD8Z

    Activate my account

    Because I didn't care. I'll be honest here. said in the chatbox that if I wanted to access the Spam section, my account would need to be activated. So from that, I think my account isn't activated. I might be wrong. I don't know.
  4. I didn't and the email got deleted (because it was in spam). I tried changing the email twice already too.
  5. SD8Z

    BETA v1.7.32

    Are you using 1.7.32? All previous clients have been discontinued.
  6. Prison Pete stopped working. Jagex changed the IDs for the Frog Queen random, the bankers now have those ids. Wow, really sneaky.
  7. SD8Z

    BETA v1.7.19

    Well you made a thread with a suggestion. But now, who told you what they changed was exactly what you suggested? By the way, I lol'd at this: That's not how it works on 07. It's kinda works more like that in EoC, but not 07. There's no BotWatch or anything similar. Bans on 07 have a little bit more to do with reports, failing random events, and well, just doing stuff that is not human-like (for example, something I've noticed a lot while using this, is that even when the object/npc/entity is on the screen, the script will walk to it with the minimap, when it's clearly on the screen and clickable) Going to sleep now, ttyl.
  8. SD8Z

    BETA v1.7.19

    You're* Didn't complain. All I did was asking if anyone was having the same problems that I was having with my bots. Mr. Smarty pants. 40-0, no deuce here. Where did you read again it was changed to make it more human-like? Send me the link to the post. All the OT says it was changed, we don't know exactly in what way.
  9. SD8Z

    BETA v1.7.19

    You're* You know that the bot being detected is just a ton of bullcrap? By the way, where did you read it was changed to "keep it from being detected"? It only says it was tweaked, not that it was made "less-detectable". You know what? I'll just stop talking to you here. inb4you won't talk anymore because I made you sound stupid. You actually didn't, and I learned that I can't ask a simple question because there will be some asshole like you that will start insulting and not help in anyway.
  10. SD8Z

    BETA v1.7.19

    Are you really that dumb....... That's how they're supposed to look now TO SAVE YOUR ASS FROM GETTING BANNED, The bot is supposed to be a choppy inaccurate mouse, thats how a HUMAN moves the mouse on a screen, it doesn't move it smoothly and clicks perfectly on EVERY SINGLE THING a Human has mistakes. And so it has errors. I like the new mouse update, ITS A GREAT IMPROVEMENT. If you want to complain about it switch back to .18 But they did it to SAVE YOUR ASS. Are you really that dumb? So you're telling me a human will fail to click a damn NPC 90% of the times? Will follow it slowly as fuck (moving through the screen like 2mm per second) and walking to it with the minimap when it is clearly on the screen and ready to be clicked? I'm sorry but you don't even know what the fuck you're talking about. And I'm pretty sure that we, humans, don't fucking move the mouse so damn slowly and fail to click 1 out of 8 times an object or NPC. I'm sorry but I don't even barely ever fail to click a NPC when I'm playing legit.
  11. SD8Z

    BETA v1.7.19

    Mouse movements are just really weird now for me. They're really slow, choppy, and inaccurate most when trying to interact with an NPC/object, but it will the total opposite when for example, is picking an item in the ground. This wasn't happening in 1.7.18. Am I the only one that this is happening to?
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