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Scripter I
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Posts posted by Acerd

  1. I was trying to read the question, it took me a good minute to realize you were trolling. sad.png

    I was trying to read the question, it took me a good minute to realize you were trolling. sad.png


    But you stated that you're an iranian, living in Sweden..


    If I was mistaken, I deeply apologize for my own misunderstanding of your situation. I most certainly am not against Iran and I have clearly told you this in the private messages, haven't I?




    How does that make me a cunt? Besides, I have confessed that several times already.



    I stated that I was born in Sweden , but I forgive you for misunderstanding.

  3. I'm not against you because you're from Iran, I'm against you because you're in Europe, just as much as I am against whites that are in the other, non-white parts of the world. You have not yet realized the devastation that will occur sooner or later, due to your cultural Marxist logic and that devastation will be bloody as hell and we can no longer postpone the prevention. The blood moons are coming, as well. And I indeed do have a big problem with it, because I do not want the outbreak of the civil war, which will take place if nothing is done about this situation. I am pro-Iran, by the way, in the political aspects.


    I did have receive an IP ban, but I have never used my actual IP and never will in the first place. 


    You have to face the facts that just because something offends you or is against your ideology does not mean that it is wrong. 


    I'm not in Europe.

    I moved from Sweden to Iran 6 years ago.

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