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About iz0n

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  1. iz0n

    PC main 2k+

    price check please willing to sell asap all hard diaries all 100% fevers lots of untradeables + about 10m bank cooled for almost 4 years with no logging 25-Jan-2021 Macroing Major (ban) Quashed
  2. tbh.. i have good knowledge in this field. feel free to pm me anytime. to do : 1# change all your passwords from a clean device/pc. its obvious why...its highly likely to have a keylogger, pwd grabber installed into ur pc by now. and you dont want to get hijacked again. 2# disbale all 2nd auth, and re-enable it again. since they have access to ur pc, they can copy ur current cash files, and use them again to bypass 2nd auth, on any other pc. 3# if you cant locate the malware, i suggest you do full re-installation of ur windows. (not a re-pair mode) since the malware can be hidden in many many places, even in file-less form, it will recover itself if the coder is smart enough. common places to check in (startup/task scheduler/drivers...basically its a mess) ps, id be glad if you give me a sample edit: it doesn't have to be a bad version, it could just be a bad plug-in. which could trigger the malware code by time or event...etc.
  3. got a hold of (was perm ban) account of mine, i dont care about rs3, i dont play rs3 it has to hold some value? https://i.ibb.co/2tmrTZS/rs3-ban.png https://i.ibb.co/0ntPr1W/hans2.png https://i.ibb.co/zmyt67M/rs3-qp.png https://i.ibb.co/HYhFTWx/rs3.png any price for this?
  4. iz0n

    Weird ban?

    mixed, bluestacks and my phone, its the same functionality via ADB , i think they can detect emulators nowadays :S
  5. iz0n

    Weird ban?

    making unfs\cleaing herbs via mobile and not a recorder, its a color bot i made about a year ago, everything is randomized
  6. iz0n

    Weird ban?

    I was botting 2100+ total account.. When I was banned for 2 days. The day the bans lefts.. I tried to login I was permanently banned? Botting occurred on 23/1 Wich is the ban date. On 25/1 I was banned again permanently? Is this some kind of mistake or what? Logically I wasn't on the account
  7. If you care about your account, don't bot. How good? They have teams of programmers just for your little recorder
  8. thats not, check the rates thats average
  9. how many accounts you need? 1->85 wc is 3.26M exp lets say 33 GP/EXP as f2p power chopping willows and from lvl 1, would take roughly 9-11 days thats about 300-400k exp a day
  10. i can build you some, what is your budget?
  11. selling 2 accounts if anyone interested account 1 : bought as maxed stacker from ( LeBron ) back in JAN / 2018 i had the account for almost 3 years now with no problem and built it from that point.. i will take full responsibility for it. almost 2100 total with over 200m in exp 1 ban almost 2.5 years ago. POH : Ornate jewellery box Ornate jewellery box with almost all teleport portals as for wealth, i currently have no membership and cant windthrow items D defender Firecare full void all styles slayer helm full graceful full prospector Rogue set and many more. price is 700$ or the highest bid ---------------------------------------------- account 2 : im the OO price is 100$ or the highest bid ---------------------------------------------- accepting PAYPAL ONLY both accounts have registered E-Mails which will be given along with the accounts.
  12. Max cape is different.. With account like this the wilderness is yours only.. Almost no one can touch you below 40
  13. Tbh I don't know the prices for this kind of built. But I was thinking around 800-1000 usd
  14. just as title says, well its still in progress, current states : CMB (83) 60 attack / 55 prayer 1919 total (firecape/mithril gloves/desert treasure) ((0 ban history)) just wondering how much would it worth? if 2k achieved. account is mine OO, if sold will be along with e-mail.
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