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  1. Havent botted in long time decided to try it again. When I start your script after few kills bot stops and this is what happens: java.lang.AbstractMethodError: client.getMinimapX()I at org.osbot.rs07.api.util.GraphicUtilities.getMinimapScreenCoordinate(dl:818) at org.osbot.rs07.api.map.Position.isOnMiniMap(ek:957) at org.osbot.rs07.event.InteractionEvent.execute(gk:955) at org.osbot.rs07.event.EventExecutor$2.run(ph:93) at org.osbot.rs07.event.EventExecutor.execute(ph:264) at org.osbot.rs07.api.model.Character.interact(rk:695) at COm1.j(x:76) at COm1.j(x:204) at Main.onLoop(g:58) at org.osbot.rs07.event.ScriptExecutor$InternalExecutor.run(vj:152) at java.lang.Thread.run(Unknown Source)
  2. you did great job. looting mid fight is perfect it even recognises rat it was fighting before. problem only occurs once every 10 mins or so specificly after eating mid fight and looting: https://i.gyazo.com/911bd1e243c9004d93dc44818594d43a.gif my thoughts are maybe bot gets confused after 2 or more actions? eat>loot>cant realise it was fighting before>attacks new rat. test it out use no armor so you can see. also i noticed if it only eats and there are no bones on ground its works fine must eat and loot. anyway thanks for good work now script is finally usable
  3. thank you for fast response. maybe its possible for it to occur only twice in 15 mins if you have very high stats and good gear. to test it out again I purpesly took off armor and here is what happened. https://i.gyazo.com/714a525efc5e848a6e5ff4af5421c96f.gif rat wasnt even trapped and bot didnt realise it was under attack. but i think with your new update problem should be fixed i hope
  4. https://gyazo.com/011ef8f9467b220387127417263745a0 still no bueno... my solutions would be just to make it that it loots after finishing kill or make delay after looting to like 3 secs so rats have time to catch up when u ran away from them. also you can turn off running too. i rather have 1-3k xp and few kills less than having account banned.
  5. It seems little bit better but still has trouble attacking same rat. Maybe you could make it so it loots after finishing kill? Still wouldnt call it usable because it cant eat 2 pieces of food in row without getting message "I'm already under attack".
  6. Thank you for ading hopping addition. I want to inform you about a problem I found today. At this moment script is unusable. Today after playing for couple mins I noticed that my chat is full of messages "I'm already under attack". Then I starting looking what is the cause of this. Every time in midle of the fight character decides to pick up loot or bones it starts attacking different brine rat. It used to happen from the beggining even when I was using trial but it only occured if you ran to end of room but now you move couple steps and it starts attacking new rat. I hope you can fix this problem as soon as possible
  7. after trying out this script I have one suggestion. Please add hop option if there are anyone besides you in the room. I think this script is pretty safe unless someone reports you. And to prevent that I strongly suggest adding hoping option. This location is low tarffic but people on task still sometimes come. Better to be safe than sorry. If you add that option I will definitely going to purchase your script
  8. would it be possible to add B2P support?
  9. what about spec support? (excalibur for example)
  10. hey man your script doesnt load for me. when i try to load it i get error in console pane. i wish i could copy the error but idc how. anyway i hope you will fix this problem i really enjoy your script
  11. works just fine. what is this Proxy support what does it do and how to use it? thanks
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