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Get broke

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Everything posted by Get broke

  1. lols i did but it kept bringing it up when id try and run it again. thanks bud appreciate the quick fix!
  2. having the same issue please fix only a few days of mem left gotta make my moneys fast. it also gets stuck trying to jump across the wildy ditch. it just kept clicking to x out of the are you sure you want to enter wildy box
  3. could i get a trial please . Before you do though does it work on mirror? if not could you hold off on activating it untill stealth injector is back up thanks.
  4. hey went to do rune mysteries quest and got hung up on going to find the head wizard all the bot did was go downstairs where sid was then go back up ladder and head back to varrok then it was just stuck in that loop. (from varrok to wizard tower and back)
  5. Need HELP! I keep dying while doing nature runes through the abyss. i checked the logger and it just says loading then it says we died . i have my emergency Tele set at 50% hp. ive seen it get stuck trying to use a pick axe to get into the second layer and just get swarmed by mobs. also is there away to put in some kind of pouch collector? that would be really nice then it could find pouches then glory back to edgeville and load inv and start runecrafting thanks again for this amazing Script.
  6. Bought the Perfect Wood Cutter and couldnt be happier thanks for puttiing the time into to make these works of art! if you dont mind could i have a trial of the Czar Stronghold please.
  7. can i get a trial please. would be much appreciated
  8. yea, lol ive been tryin to start at port sarim. i just wasnt sure if there was bank that you start the script or or maybe a certain spot on the island. does it have to be right at the altar? also what is your recommended loadoout for nature runes? edit: nevermind lol i figured it out thanks though
  9. thanks bud. Edit: Cant figure out where to start nature runes. i havent done the abyss yet also i havent played in awhile so i dont know where everything is.
  10. lol so whats that mean? i just bought this 2 days ago...
  11. havibg problems with the script. ill strat it up and it start to walk to the magic trees near the range guilde and he just stops i sat there for 4 hours.....after i realized it i tried to restart it and it did the same thing.....took the first few steps then stopped scripts not working just stops after starting near range guilde on magics trees
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