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Trade With Caution
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About I69U

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  1. gl with selling, but trust me you wont get 250$ for it.
  2. already sold, but it was slayer helm (i) void crystal etc
  3. edited auto win - 70m 07 right now and its yours! Note: not going any lower than this.
  4. true but i dont think you will get a year delay ban or do you? your right tho
  5. i dont play so i wont get a delay ban i guess? i never botted after that ban when it had: 70 attk and 80 str so no way i will get a perm ban
  6. I69U

    got $80 to spend.

    http://osbot.org/forum/topic/91876-selling-level-120-main-94-99-98-99-hp-good-boss-kcs/?p=1019417 75 euro's. ( 80-85 $$ )
  7. all quests needed for barrows gloves, like monkey madness desert treasure lunar diplomacy etc
  8. add my on skype please: disconnectionwarrock1 - tell me its you. sold to itz eclipse for 80m hf and enjoy
  9. sure no problem, noted your bid this account IS FOR SALE FOR 75M 07 ( or paypal is youre trusted ) RIGHT NOW!
  10. hello osbot, im selling this main ( im still selling my other main ) because i still owe my brother 40euro's and nobody wants to buy the other main, i will sell this main for a little cheaper... i am the original owner of BOTH accounts! 1. Pictures of the account stats https://gyazo.com/3284d41a2f944a30a234b533bda5aab1 2. Pictures of the login details https://gyazo.com/04335a3628acbe2f8d632235f78d0930 3. Pictures of the total wealth (if there is any) https://gyazo.com/46c878fe5ef3a01974ca798d42963197 https://gyazo.com/350da013e20d93cc2a8b86e39d47c28b and alot of holiday items etc junk.. NOTE: it also have KBD pet insured, i can make a pic if people want it 5. The price you will be starting bids at 70m 07 - 80$ paypal ( only if youre trusted! ) 6. The A/W (Auto-win) for your account 70m 07 - 80$ paypal ( paypal is only for trusted people! ) 7. The methods of payment you are accepting 07 - PP 8. Your trading conditions you go first or MM 9. Pictures of the account status https://gyazo.com/c74b36f50c036e275deb24aabde63545 10. Original/previous owners AND Original Email Address yes im the original owner.
  11. i got this main: http://osbot.org/forum/topic/90388-selling-114-combat-75-def-pure-85-attk-98-str-98-hp-rs3/#entry1017429 and a main with 93-99-98-94-71-96 and 99 hp,82 slayer
  12. 93 attk 99 str 98 def 94 range 71 prayer 96 magic 99 hp 82-82 slayer 85-90m 07 or 100 eur if your trusted with paypal! Send me a pm if u want a pic or want to vuy.
  13. 90m 07 and its yours. im only available in evening ( right now, tomorrow etc ) !!
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