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  1. Well not all potions give the same amount of boost. Maybe it should be a more conditional number. Such as, amount of boost the potion gives divided by 2, then take the ceiling of that. Then you could have it randomly + or - 1 from that number as an anti-ban feature. Pseudocode: int drinkPotion int boostOfPotion drinkPotion = ceiling(boostOfPotion/2) int antiBanPotionDrink = genRandNum1-3() if genRandNum1-3() == 1 then drinkPotion += drinkPotion + 0 else if genRandNum1-3() == 2 then drinkPotion += drinkPotion + 1 else if genRandNum1-3() == 3 then drinkPotion += drinkPotion - 1 end Hope this makes sense. Just wanted to be extra clear.
  2. Thanks! Another thing, though. The script seems to drink potions very infrequently. Only when the boost gets very low. It'd be nice if it drank potions more often or if there was an option to have it do so.
  3. Thanks for the update! It seems as though if you don't have food in your inventory, the script will not work. It get stuck that the banking state and doesn't do anything. Also, when walking it would probably be more natural if it clicked on the next spot before getting to the spot it's going to.
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